Delta Phi Chapter

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Phone List
Contact Information

Scholarship list of brothers
Name Major Academic Strengths
JJ art education art, math, psychology
brian christian music education music, singing, english, spanish
joe betts health science chemistry
aaron zinzer business  
daniel bartz business history
eastman marketing everything but chem
jason smith law everything but math
dave scrase political science everything but math
craig humphrey engineering math and chem
tom boomer social sciences/elementary education education classes
brian hendricks biology, education, chemistry minor biology/chemistry
chris reichhold undecided writing, history, english
chris gaffney computer science computers, math
jeff lopez marketing math
phil alt accounting/financing accounting, math
alex dick mechanical engineering math, science
peter behrman marketing and financing all but english
michael marsigula computer science math, computers
eric fortier biology major, chem & physics minor chemistry, math, biology, physics
jeremy cobb computer science math, anything but writing
nick sharland business, finance, econ algebra history geography finance
rich mcgouan writing writing, history, english
mitchell geerts ACC math

Chapter History


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Last updated: 01/11/04.
