Philosophy of Education


"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around" -Leo Buscaglia


I believe that everything can be a teaching moment and that everything a person does effects someone else.  I believe that it is extremely important to form positive relationships with all students and to make every interaction you have with a child meaningful.  In order to create positive interactions with my students and in my classroom, I would spend a lot of time working to create a classroom community that fosters respect, fairness, and interactive learning.  I would also work closely to with the parents of my students to help their child succeed.  Some of the things that I mould do would be to invite parents in to guest lecture on a topic, make call home to report a child’s strengths and weaknesses, and to end letters home explaining what we will be working on.  I believe that all students can learn; however sometimes they learn in different ways.  Some students will learn more effectively through being active while others will learn by watching.  It doesn’t matter what teachings style is used as long as it every student learn then the goal is achieved.  I would spend time teaching students how to work cooperatively in groups because it is an extremely important skill when they become an adult.  I also believe that it is extremely important to use a variety of assessments because it is important to teach students to be able to recall information, reproduce it, and apply it to different situations.  All of those are important skills to learn to make them a more successful adult.