Extended Written Response Assessment


Part I – Comparing Shapes

Part II – Putting Shapes Together



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Unit: Shapes


Grade Level: 2nd grade


Extended Written Response Clear Purpose: The purpose of this formative assessment is to provide information about students’ understanding of the attributes of shapes as well as ability to manipulate shapes. The results from this assessment will be used to plan the following lessons and to decide which targets (if any) need to be revisited in further lessons. Another purpose of this assessment is to give students the ability to realize what areas of the unit they understand well and what areas they need to work on more. After the assessment, I will conference with each student to discuss their score.  We will talk about whether or not their personal score matched my score and reasons for that.  We will also discuss which targets have not been met and make a plan about what to do to hit all targets.




G.GS.02.02 Explore and predict the results of putting together and taking apart two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes.

G.GS.02.01 Identify, describe, and compare familiar two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes, such as triangles, rectangles, squares, circles, semi-circles, spheres, and rectangular prisms.


Clear Targets

Learning Targets

Type of Target

Question #

I can tell you what any two shapes have the same, and what they have different.



I can tell you what triangles, rectangles, squares, circles, semi-circles, spheres and rectangular prisms look like. 


1, 2






Directions (read aloud)


In math we have been learning all about shapes.  We have learned about many different kinds of shapes and the parts of a shape such as the sides and the corners (angles). Today we are going to see what we know about shapes!  We will answer two questions about shapes and then use our answers to figure out what we know about shapes, and what we still need to work on.


Put all pencils down.  I will pass out the first question and tell you the directions before you begin.  We will do the second question later.  (Pass out question 1)  Please put your name where it says “Name” now.  Question 1 is a stand alone question.  Listen carefully while I read question 1 to you.  (Read question 1).  Make sure that in the first space you tell me what squares and rectangles have that is the same.  I want to see the words corners and sides in your answer.  In the second blank make sure you tell me what squares and rectangles have that is different.  You decide if you need to include the words corners or sides in your answer. This question is worth 5 points.  Don’t worry too much about spelling difficult words on this question.  Just do your best to sound them out.  You will have 15 minutes until we go on to question 2, but don’t worry, if you don’t finish I will give you extra time later to complete this question.  When you are finished with this question, flip it over and you may draw on the back until it is time to do question 2. If you have any questions please raise your hand and I will come to you.  Good Luck! I know you will do a wonderful job.







1.      We have learned all about the parts of many shapes including squares and rectangles. Write about what squares and rectangles have that are the same and what they have that are different.  Make sure to tell me about the corners and how long the sides are.


·                                Write here about what squares and rectangles have that are the same.
















·                                Write here about what squares and rectangles have that are different.












Directions (Read aloud)


We are now ready for question 2.  This question is a create question.  Do not begin until after I give you the directions.  (Pass out question 2) Please put your name on the paper where it says “Name” now.  In this question, you will be creating a riddle.  First, listen to my riddle and try to guess which shape I am thinking of.


My shape has three sides.  My shape has three corners. What shape am I?


Does anyone know the answer? (Take answers)  Good job.  Now you will have a chance to write your own riddle.  Please do not use triangle because that was my example.  First, pick a shape that you will describe in your riddle.  Write the answer where it says “Answer” at the bottom of your page.  Now you need to write your riddle.  Start with “My shape has…” and make sure to tell me about the corners (how many does it have? Are they all the same size?) of your shape and the sides (How many does it have? How long are they?).  Once you are done writing your riddle.  Make sure to include a drawing of your shape. This question is also worth 5 points.  Tomorrow I will pick some of the riddles to give to the whole class to see if you can guess the shapes.  Once again, just do your best on spelling, but do not worry about it too much.  When you are done, flip over your paper and wait till everyone is done.  You may read a book quietly at your desk.  You will have  about 15-20 minutes to finish this.  Do not rush.  I will give you more time if you need it.  There is no talking until all tests are turned in.  Once again, if you have any questions raise your hand and I will come to you.  Good luck!  I know you will do great!



















My Riddle

















My Shape










What shape am I?





Directions for rubrics - (Read aloud)  Now that we have completed both questions on our test, I want you to grade yourself on how you did.  (Pass out rubric for question 1). Put your name on the rubric. Look at what you wrote for question 1.  I will read each section of the rubric and while I am reading you should be thinking if your answer fits into that category.  If you think you completed most of the items in the “5” section, circle 5 at the bottom of the page. If you think you completed most of the items in the “3” section, circle 3 at the bottom of the page. If you think you only did the items in the “1” section, circle 1 at the bottom of the page. I will also give you a score when I read your answers.  Later, we will meet individually together to talk about whether or not your score and my score match and also why you gave yourself that score.


(Read aloud the rubric.  Give time for students to choose score.  Instruct students to turn in question 1 along with rubric for question 1)


We are now going to grade ourselves for question 2. (Pass out rubric for question 2)  Put your name on the top of the paper. Look at what you wrote for question 1.  Just like last time, I will read each section of the rubric and while I am reading you should be thinking if your answer fits into that category.


(Read aloud the rubric.  Give time for students to choose score.  Instruct students to turn in question 2 along with rubric for question 2)



Rubric for Question 1

5 (Terrific)

3 (I have the right idea)

1 (I don’t know…)

Ø      I talked about how rectangles and squares are the same.

Ø      I told how squares and rectangles both have four sides and four corners and all of the corners are the same size.

Ø      I talked about how rectangles and squares are different.

Ø      I talked about how squares have sides that are all the same size and rectangles can have one pair of long sides and one pair of short sides.


Ø      I talked about how rectangles and squares are the same, but I forgot to talk about both sides and corners.

Ø      I talked about how rectangles and squares are different, but I got the two shapes mixed up.

Ø      I talked about how rectangles and squares are different, but I included a difference that is not true.

Ø      I did not tell how squares and rectangles are the same.

Ø      I did not talk about how both shapes have four sides, four corners, and the corners are the same size.

Ø      I did not talk about how rectangles and squares are different.

Ø      I did not tell that squares have sides that are all the same size, and rectangles can have two long sides and two short sides.


5                    3                    1



When you meet with me, we will talk about why you gave yourself that score.



Rubric for Question 2

5 (Terrific)

3 (I have the right idea)

1 (I don’t know…)

Ø      I made a riddle about a shape.

Ø      I talked about corners and told how many there were and also told if they were the same size.

Ø      I talked about sides and told how many there were and also told if they were the same size.

Ø      My riddle, answer and drawing all match.

Ø      I made a riddle.

Ø      I talked about corners, but did not include both how many there were and if they were the same size.

Ø      I talked about sides but did not include both how many there were and if they were the same size.

Ø      Only two out of my riddle, answer and drawing match.

Ø      I did not make a riddle.

Ø      I did not talk about corners.

Ø      I did not talk about sides.

Ø      My riddle, answer and drawing do not match.


5                    3                    1


When you meet with me, we will talk about why you gave yourself that score.


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