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These songs are songs sung by the drow bard Xerafeln Karan, of the House Noamuth Elemmiire, last pureblood son of a fallen house. Among songs more commonly sung by a great number of bards, these songs are the exclusive creation of Xerafeln.

Xerafeln's voice is a strong tenor and he is proficient with many musical instruments. His favored instrument, for these pieces and most others, for accompaniment is his guitar. Xerafeln's whereabouts are currently unknown.

The Night and the Evening Star

Upon a midnight clear
After twilight's last dawning
The union of houses is blessed by the stars
Darkness and light are thus wedded.

How can the night love the evening star?
And how can the moon condemn them?
How is it fate can be so cruel
And destiny let it be?

Brighter than the lights of the world
The light of their love did shine
But for the wrongs of their kin
The young lovers, they would pay.

How can the night love the evening star?
And how can the moon condemn them?
How is it fate can be so cruel
And destiny let it be?

And from the love of the star and night
A beautiful child was born
Brighter than the sun in the sky
The child's light did shine.

How can the night love the evening star?
And how can the moon condemn them?
How is it fate can be so cruel
And destiny let it be?

Love is brief, even when meant to be,
And theirs was no exception.
All life was stolen from the night,
Under the frightened eyes of the star.

How can the night love the evening star?
And how can the moon condemn them?
How is it fate can be so cruel
And destiny let it be?

The blood of the night thus was spilled
And the wars of the crown raged on.
The son that they had was lost to us,
Lost to you and me.

How can the night love the evening star?
And how can the moon condemn them?
How is it fate can be so cruel
And destiny let it be?
How can the night love the evening star?
And how can the moon condemn them?
Fate ensures what's meant to be,
As does destiny.
And so from memory fades their tale,
Of the love of the night and the star.


Moonlight Revels

In the shining moonlight,
See the maidens' dance.
Twirling 'round and 'round they're
Seeking not romance.
Now here and now there,
Watch them as they come,
Seeking not a man's arms,
Merely their way home.
In the shining moonlight,
See the maiden's dance.
Twirling 'round and 'round they're
Seeking not romance.
See them dancing there
And feel their firey stare.
Watch their fingers call you,
Join them if you dare.
In the shining moonlight,
See the maiden's dance.
Twirling 'round and 'round they're
Giving you a chance.
Join them in their dancing,
Join them in their prayer.
Find yourself not wanting,
Join them if you dare.
In the shining moonlight,
See the Maiden's Dance.



From the cloth of night
To the threads of dawn
From whence we all came
To where we return
The stars shall come
As the night does fall
Sure as the sun's next dawning.

Across the seas of endless night
Beyond the hills of dawn
Lies the place where all elves go
The land beyond the dying.

When the love of life fades from us
To whence are we to go?
The land beyond the dying waits,
Where all elves are to go.

From whence we all came, we shall return
Sure as the sun shall set,
Death comes to all who wait
To adjourn to undying lands.


Natha Naut'shinder Ssinssrigg (A Forbidden Love)

As sea to sky is you and I,
So different are we two.
I see you there across the room
I may as well be a thousand miles away.
The unattainable star are you,
The dream before the waking
Your beauty shines like the moon
On the longest winter's evening.
I merely the night's cold kiss
The feeling of death awaiting.
Vedaust, vedaust, mzilst tet uss
Aluve', ssussun slyan.
I leave you now to the stars above
To darkness I thus return.
Aluve', vedaust, my shining star
Usstan belbau usstan ulu l' har'dro.
L' che'elen d'lil orbb valsharess
Ph' ussta delmah
From these I never shall return
To see the light of the moon.
L' wiles d'lil yathrin valbyl veir
Tangis' nindyn xuil
Gareth xukuthen
And so their words I must obey
Though my soul will always be thine.
Vedaust, vedaust, mzilst tet uss
Aluve' ussta wenress ssin
I leave you now for I cannot stay,
The halls of the Queen are thus calling.
Vedaust, vedaust, mzilst tet uss
Aluve' my maiden fair
At the order of them to my death I go
For them I cannot deny.
Aluve, aluve' my maiden fair
Away I go forever
Gone to my grave in the deepest caves
Never again to find you.
Never again to find you.


The Band of the Calzone Golem

Once in the woodlands
In a tiny little house
Lived a wizard and her lover
Just as quiet as a mouse.
Now the lover was a master
Of the culinary arts
And through the stomach of the wizard
He found a way into her heart.
Now that wizard was a maker
Of animated things
Aware of the danger
That her craft often brings.
One day a simple spell
Went terribly awry
And suddenly from the kitchen
Came the most horrible of cries.
"It's alive!" shrieked her lover
But before she could arrive
He was silenced.
Into the kitchen
The terrified wizard flew
And there to her horror
She saw something very new.
Towering in front
Of a tight-shut pantry door
Stood a golem
Yes, a golem
Dripping marinara on the floor.
The Calzone golem stood
In all its steaming glory
And this bit I shall omit
For it's truly very gory.
After that the Calzone golem ruled the roost
Until the fateful day
Some heroes did arrive
To make the pastry pay.
Into the empty house
To the kitchen they did go
And when they saw the golem
They shouted, "It can't be so!
"A hostile, walking pastry?"
They sputtered in disbelief.
And so a silence lingered 'til the leader she did cry
"Wait, I have a plan!" In relief,
They sighed a heavy sigh.
"The problem is, it's undercooked,"
The leader did explain.
"So to defeat this gooey meance
"Its essence we must contain!"
"Bah, that's not a plan,"
Said one of their companions in a growl
"To defeat this tasty construct we must
"Force it to throw in the towel!"
The rest of the band merely looked around and shrugged.
Either of the plans sounded equally as good
Until the Calzone golem let out a steamy roar
At which the party knew they had to act
Or they'd soon be smears upon the floor.
And so they took up arms
Against the foodstuff heinous.
And since they lived their story
Is fodder to entertain us.
With spells and swords and cutting boards
And a kitchen knife
The adventurers quickly separated
The golem from its life.
And from the tight-shut pantry door
They heard a quiet thud
And slogging through the mass of goo
They found something actually quite good.
The wizard and her lover
Sat there worse for wear,
Trapped inside the pantry
While the golem there did lair.
"Huzzah!" the weary pair did cry
"Huzzah for the Band of the Calzone Golem,
"For regarding this we cannot lie,
"Our lives you have saved
"And for this you must be named
"Heroes of calibur most high!"
And so spread their fame
Until their name
Caught the attention
Of this bard most poor and amused.
And so of their tale,
This song I do wail
And raise a mug and cry
"Huzzah for the Band of the Calzone Golem!"
And so raise a glass
A cup, a tankard for the masters of culinary slaying.
And say with me now as I take a bow,
"Huzzah for the Band of the Calzone Golem!"


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