So, yeah.  I've been sewing, and sewing is fun.  I've been thinking of turning it into some kind of side business or something.  I hope to be putting together some costumes and other little sewn crafts to sell at this April's Realities 2005 (the annual gaming convention run by GVSU's gaming club, Alternative Realities).  Another upcoming project is helping my roommate to make one of Eowyn's dresses from Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers and a robe for a White Robe from DragonLance.  Opinions, questions, and thoughts can go to :)


So I made more court garb.  Here's a bunch of pictures of me in it at the Grand Valley Renaissance Festival, where I will finish out this season (my last as a student) as Brigid Conrad, Countess of Hills.

With Captain Alexi (Jason Combs)

The overgown is blue satin trimmed in green ribbon and this great trim I picked up last year at Val-Day.  There is a clover-shaped pin at the center front of the neckline and imitation pearls trimming the edge.  I based the design on a portrait of Princess Elizabeth (mostly because I just loved the sleeves).  The underskirt and sleeves are made of a cotton brocade in very pale cream color.  I am also wearing a corset and a farthingale I made myself (with thanks to various internet resources!).  The entire costume, save for my shawl and my jewelry, was made by me.  I am wearing a matching hat, but you cannot see it very well in any of these pictures.  The gown, of course, needs some work, but not bad for a first effort, I think, right?

Near the list, looking toward faire.

Left: With the Ladies of court, Elizabeth (Trig), Jane (Julia), and Duchess Arianna (Megan)
Right: Again by the tree near the list, looking toward Faire 

At the list with the court, among others.  From left: Duchess Arianna (Megan, who looks terribly cold for some reason),
Elizabeth (Trig), the Jester (Moogle), Jane (Julia), me, and our spinner (Shanzi).


Coming soon: photos of our esteemed head weapons marshal wearing the shirt and vest I made him! (I get excited about the strangest things, I know.)



So this is me, in some old garb.  I made just about all of it by hand, except for my shawl and my headpiece.  I'm actually quite proud of it.  It  was surprisingly cheap, which was probably smart on my part because it was a grand experiment.  It really didn't take me all that long to make, either.  The whole thing is made of cotton except for my outer underskirt, which is made of cream decorator's fabric with a leaf pattern.  The trim is blue and silver and the cording is white and blue with silver grommets.


Quilt squares and more coming soon.


This site is ©2001-2002 Erin Klitzke.