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Harbor Beach
   Municipal Marina
    World's Greatest
           Man-Made Harbor

Harbor Beach Marina fish cleaning station

Click on the image above to take you to a page with more information on Harbor Beach and what it all has to offer!

Harbor Beach is home to a public marina that includes a fish cleaning station, gas pumps, restrooms (including showers), 114 boat slips, 6 boat launches, water/electricity, and a picnic area next to a playground.  The marina is well-known in the area and is able to house boats as large as 60 feet.  Anglers can hit the water early in the morning and when they come back in for the day they can head to the well-maintained fish cleaning station.  Pleasure boaters can enjoy the courtesy van that will take you anywhere you want to go in Harbor Beach.  A short walk across scenic M-25 will put you in the North Park Campground.  North Park is a popular place to stay for fishermen who come to town for big fishing tournaments or out-of-town residents looking for a fun-filled weekend on the water.

King Salmon
Here is a picture of some nice King Salmon that were caught right out of the marina in Harbor Beach.  This is what fisherman hope to catch when they go out!

PerchPictured to the left is a table full of Perch and Rock Bass.

Anglers that are limited to the walking pier can try long lining with perch rigs to hook into a delicious meal of Perch and maybe some Rock Bass.