my blog

august 17 2002

this is so cool! it's just like i have a real web site, only i don't have to worry about design or coding! i can just write about my life every day in my own little spot in cyberspace. once i do, other people can read about my meaningless existance to escape from their own! it's perfect!

check out how cool i make writing look. i write everything in lower case because i'm just that avant-garde. some guy called me a poser this morning for "pretending" to be a goth. as if my 50 body piercings didn't prove that i was! even if i did fool around with my computers instead of doing drugs and listening to music like the real goths did in high school, that doesn't mean i'm not a goth, too. (oops, did i say real goths? i meant other goths! isn't it so cool how i wrote my correction instead of just backspacing?)

stupidass windoze is freezing again! i'd switch over to linux, but i'm too much of a fucking retard to do it right. i wish i was a 1337 hax0r like the guys at /. say they are. as it is, i'll probably have to write a new tcp wrapper for my custom browser or something. (see, i can swear and speak 1337! i even have an irrational hatred for windoze and show it by misspelling it on purpose! that's how you know i'm real. d00d.)

august 17 2002 (again)

i tried to commit suicide again today, but i failed. again. maybe talking to the peepz in my mesasge boards will help. i love you guys!!!! i'll never leave you, even if i say i will.

August 17, 2002 (Yet again.)

I just realized that I'm a total moron and I make Geocities look good by comparison.