[00:40:42] There's a difference between reading old threads, which hey, that's what they're kept for [00:40:45] God yes. [00:40:57] and bumping an old thread NO ONE ELSE REPLIED TO, to say "i thought this part was funny." [00:40:57] http://www.digitpress.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=85 [00:41:00] Someone answer him. [00:41:05] See how many posts it takes for someone to notice. [00:41:23] I'll kill you all if you do [00:41:24] I'd do it, but I don't know anything about his question. Heh. [00:41:25] If I have useful info, I may bump it up, or id I have a similar question even a couple years later...no harm in that, but bumping to say +1 LOL is fucking stupid [00:41:32] "region 2 lol what is that" [00:41:42] haha [00:41:58] Seriously, someone give a legitimate answer. [00:42:00] That would be awesome. Later... [00:44:02] <_AdamG_> done, and done [00:44:06] --> SuperGnG (jirc@user-0ceibgs.cable.mindspring.com) has joined #vbender [00:44:13] <_AdamG_> davidbrit - I even gave him a website [00:44:21] "THUG3 IS FOR PUSSIES WE DON'T NEED NO GOD DAMNED REVERT." [00:44:26] * CaptYash high-fives AdamG [00:44:43] * scooterb bows down to Adam [00:44:53] I hate you. [00:44:55] Ha ha ha. You are my hero, Adam. [00:45:00] bwahaha [00:45:02] --> xenu (xenu@ip-66-175-206-156.idcnet.com) has joined #vbender [00:45:02] --- Ulala gives channel operator status to xenu [00:45:04] Welcome, xenu! Random quote: alf is fucking hot. [00:45:05] You can be sure to post the IRC logs when someone responds in confusion. [00:45:09] ello ello' [00:45:12] hey, I have an idea for a vbender challenge [00:45:17] Ello ello. [00:45:20] :O [00:45:20] lay it on us frank [00:45:22] let's all try to beat Sonic 2, on a real Genesis, using an original 2600 joystick [00:45:31] Oh fucking Hell [00:45:36] Hey Frank [00:45:38] <_AdamG_> oh wait... that was an old thread? [00:45:44] <_AdamG_> you bastard! [00:45:49] hahahahahahahahaha [00:45:50] Ha ha ha ha. [00:45:50] BAHAHAHAHAHA [00:45:51] BULL [00:45:51] SHIT [00:45:54] It was the oldest thread in the list. [00:46:04] sorry about Capt'n, I really wanted those SMS games, but the bum claimed the system he was gonna sell me didnt work [00:46:08] Oh that was justr beautiful [00:46:12] Heh, not a problem. [00:46:13] wait....how the hell would one start the game with a 2600 joystick ? :P haha [00:46:21] Tis is me, Saying something, so that Efnet doesn't boot me for idling [00:46:27] press start, then switch controllers [00:46:30] ticked me off, because I havent played Shinobi since 1989 [00:46:30] Hit start then swap the controller out [00:46:34] you only need to switch again if you need to pause [00:46:42] Shinobi is good. Pretty easy to find. [00:46:43] which thread are we talking about? [00:46:46] good call...shit, all i have is 7800 pads. so i cant do that one :< [00:46:52] Red: http://www.digitpress.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=85 [00:47:04] true, but finding a system for it is another task I must take care of [00:47:29] Point. [00:47:43] <_AdamG_> I hate being a total moron [00:47:57] I hate you scooter [00:48:04] why do you hate me? [00:48:11] Just quoting Adam [00:48:14] and his DP post [00:48:30] <_AdamG_> heh [00:48:32] hey now! no hating my big brother scooter! [00:48:44] Ok why does Adam hate me? [00:48:55] <_AdamG_> because you used my gullibility against me to bump that thread [00:49:07] I didn't say anything... [00:49:23] <_AdamG_> oh wait [00:49:26] <_AdamG_> that was davidbrit [00:49:29] <_AdamG_> holy fuck I suck [00:49:30] Heh. [00:49:31] HA HA HAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAAAA [00:49:34] oh wait, it was me that hated scooter. I HATE YOUS COOTER. [00:49:40] Stab. Face. Adam.