Web Design

Website Helpers is an online resource for Web Site design beginners. The site presents common design mistakes, and tips on how to avoid them. Topics discussed range from beginner's ability, such as text readability and link accessability, all the way to advanced, such as content capacity. WebsiteHelpers.com also shows examples of what not to do, and ensures visitor's understanding with links to numerous other helpful sites.

Web-Source has put forth a simplified version of common errors made while creating an HTML code for a webpage. There is a list of Web design mistakes that could act as a quick check-off list while overviewing a rough-draft web design layout. Web-Source.net has also put forth plenty of other helpful links pertaining to web design.

Web Design Development is a site dedicated to helping designers to acheive sufficent Web-building. They offer tutorials for the Dreamweaver progam, as well as many others such as Photoshop, to enhance readers web design abilities. With examples, they model different types of webpages including blogs and forums.

Professional and Technical Writing

Klariti is a site that tells its viewers nearly every thing they need to know about technical writing. In topics ranging from the definition of technical writing to tips on using Microsoft Word, Klariti.com offers a variety of helpful information for those interested in the writing business, including career information such as how to acheive a successful interview. Klariti.com also offers countless information on how to plan and implement a successful technical document in any media, such as the World Wide Web.

Editorial Writing

Web Style Guide gives an outline of online prose writing tips. WebStyleGuide.com (in general) also takes a look at site design and the process of creating a Web site.