
Jashana and I chose to redesign the psychology department's website of Grand Valley. We found their site as we were searching through department websites, and were immediately turned off by their design. Their header is fairly atrocious and makes little sense in relevance to the department.

Here is the original design.

Our redesign consisted mostly of updating the look of the site, with some content editing involved. We redesigned the header, going for a much cleaner look. We wanted the image in the header to match the department, and to be visible, unlike the previous photo. We used Fireworks to create the header by importing the photo and resizing it to fit the way we wanted it to. Since we didn't like the red coloring on the original site (we felt it was too harsh) we chose to use grey, black, and various blues.

The original left navigation was a very harsh, bright red. In order to change it, we took a screen shot, cropped it and changed its color in Fireworks, and used it again in our design. We also reused the photograph from the original site.

In order to update the content of the site, we simply cleaned it up a bit and condensed the information. Originally, it was written in a disorganized manner, and included a long paragraph type listing of psychology specializations. We reworded the content to be more concise, and we put the list into an actual bulleted list in order for it to be less overwhelming.

Here is our redesign.