Daniel B. Mills, N8PPQ

Hi, my name is Dan.

Besides just pulling "A's" here at GVSU, I have worked as an assistant in the computer labs, (Henry, Manitou and Mackinac), pulled wires for the TelCom dudes, graded papers for a Prof. in the Math Department, worked as a records/registration clerk and cashier at the Student Services building, tutored, and I've helped out a little in the Physics Department. For real phun I like to click Morse Code to people all over the world, (usually while screaming down the icy dark roadways at break-neck speeds).

I like helping kids discover things they can do, as an alternative to watching TV.

Here's a brief account of my involvement in Ham Radio. It's hard to believe that it all began so recently, after meeting my first Hams in May, 1991.

Check out this very interesting yet brief account of my work history.

I don't smoke cigarettes, drink, or watch TV.

Finally.. my humble resume.

New! Here is my own Ham Radio pig!

Phun Lynx

GVSU Amateur Radio Council (Ham Radio Club)
Click on the woman for a larger image!

I started the radio club station. It's been a rewarding endeavor.

Check out my Geometry Project for Dr. Beckmann (parabolic antennas).

And here's a familiar curve that get's too little formal attention.

Another page I set up here at GVSU.

Keep an Eye on This Page!

Counter, thanks to Mr. Web Counter

Contact Information

MAILTO: millsd@river.it.gvsu.edu