Fun Perl Scripts
These programs are designed to run on UNIX systems, but there's a slim
chance you can make some of them work on Windows or other inferior operating
systems if you know what you're doing. (You do know what you're doing,
Sharefinder This little baby will make WINS
servers obsolete! Well, okay, probably not. But it will certainly make
life easier for those of us trying to connect to Windows file shares that
are outside of our subnet. It lets you scan a specified range of addresses
for shares. Sharefinder requires smbclient and nmblookup (standard parts
of the Samba package,) and the really useful functions will require
nmap. And in case your wondering, yes, I wrote this just so I could
conveniently browse file shares located in other housing buildings
around campus. If you've ever had to work with checking states of bit fields, then this might come in handy. It takes an arbitrary number of hexidecimal strings as arguments, and shows you the decimal and binary equivalents of all of them. This program performs simple ROT13 style "encryption." You can run it bare and type input on the console (Conrtol-D for EOF,) pipe it input, or give it a list of files to translate. Performs a merge sort on its numeric command line arguments. But to fully appreciate this marvel, you simply must look at the source code...,,
These three files provide a simple implementation of an object oriented Binary Search Tree. This will obviously only be of interest to computer science types. The nodes only hold an integer value, but you could fairly easily subclass BSTNode and store additional data in addition to the integer key.
Yeah, yeah, so I've only got a few perl programs right now. There will be
plenty more to come. Trust me. I'm a computer science major - we're
addicted to writing perl.
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