Celebration: Individualism


Rosie Case


I.              Topic

Content Area: Celebration


Content Statement: Celebration can be a fun and interactive part of our everyday lives. Understanding celebrations will help students connect and relate with different people, places, traditions, events and cultures.


II.            Objectives/Expected Learner Outcomes

Students will understand the historical and traditional importance of celebration.


Students will share and connect by bringing their own pre-conceived notions and personal experiences with celebration


Students will connect celebrations cross-culturally


III.         Standards of Education

Perform:          ART.1.VA.HS.1



Create:             ART.2.VA.HS.1



Analyze:          ART.3.VA.HS.5

Context:           ART.4.VA.HS.2

Connect:          ART.5.VA.HS.4



IV.          Student Group Targeted

Grade Level: 10th grade

Group: high and upper levels/pottery class

Prerequisite skills/knowledge: Throwing/pottery technical skills, vocabulary, handling clay, general ceramic knowledge, glazing/painting skills, and being able to talk about art/artists critically (before/after process).


V.            Time Required:

5 class periods

70 minutes each


VI.          Materials and Resources

Sketch Paper/Pencils

Clay tools

Wheels (optional)



Artist Resources

How-to Guide (step-by step interpretation of lesson)

Display Information w/ artist examples of teapots

Artifacts of teapots in celebration


VII.       Itinerary and Strategies


Day 1: Introduce Concept of unique celebrations


Realize that everyoneŐs idea of celebration will be different. There are many factors such as culture, tradition, social elements, as well as geographical location that shape celebration.


Key Terms:


            -Attachment Methods


            Motivation and explanations:

In this lesson, students will be encouraged to research unique teapots. They will transfer the idea that celebrations are unique to each individual to a teapot design. The design will incorporate elements of themselves as well as celebrations that they may take part in.


            Questioning strategies/discussion:

Discussion will be based on how we are all unique and have different ideas of what celebration can be. Students will be encouraged to explore what it is that may be unique about the celebrations within their families, friends, cultures.

Question examples:

What is your cultural background? What are some traditions that your family has? How do you personally relate to celebrations? How can you transfer this information to a teapot design? Can you use abstract or literal forms?

            Demonstration/guided practice:

-Review and demonstrate skills needed to form teapot structures

            -coiling methods, hand building, throwing, slab construction



            Student Independent practice/activity:

Students will research teapots and develop their own design through sketchbook assignments. They will build, construct, and glaze their pieces. Work doesnŐt need to be functional. But if it isnŐt , how does this change/affect the concept of their work?


            Checking for Understanding:

Check idea sketches and review processes and methods used to construct. Critique final products.


            Time Flow:

Students will have four class periods to construct and one to glaze and decorate. Students will be expected to complete one teapot each minimum.



Have critique of how elements selected within the teapots effect and demonstrate personal celebration meanings.


VIII.      Evaluation Strategies

Students will be graded on their understanding of the teapot construction judged through final products.


IX. Suggested Supplemental Activities