The Show

Nigel Family Photo

The show could be found on Nickelodeon every week. Every episode mainly involved Elizabeth's hidden ability to commicate with animals and help them with their problems. While Nigel and his wife did research, his three children usually did whatever they could to help. Darwin, the family pet monkey, was Elizabeth's best friend and was always there for her. "The Wild Thornberrys" had a good run, but eventually the show had to come to an end. The show ended in 2004, and was wrapped up with a movie. Though the show ended, it can still be found in stores and online.

To hear the theme song to "The Wild Thornberrys", click on the photo to the left.

The picture above is a family photo of the Thornberrys.

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For more information on the Thornberrys, click

For trivia questions about the Thornberrys, click here.

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