Kevin's Homepage
The city in which I live
Go Greek!
Comments on world politics: two headed sheep, the tragic death of Osama bin Laden
Drop me a line
Hiking trip

The city in which I live
My name is Kevin Girrbach.  I am a 19 year old student at Grand Valley State University in the biggest little city on earth, Allendale Michigan, just twenty or so minutes west of Grand Rapids.  Allendale is such a great city, and here are a few of the things that make it so wonderful, in addition to general comments about my life.

Allendale’s population is about 6000, or 1/3 of grand valley’s total student population. As a whole, the city is deeply, deeply protestant, like most of west Michigan.  The city refuses to allow alcohol to be sold by the glass within its limits, thus we have two liquor stores, but no bars.  Thankfully, I live less than a minute away from one of them, GVL, who has significantly contributed to my drinking habit.  I live in an apartment with three other individuals, all of whom are in my fraternity.  When we look out or window, we can see cows.  That’s right, COWS, right outside of our balcony about 100 yards or so away.  The smell is wonderful.  We also live close to a turkey farm, and on a good day, we can smell the stench of those turkeys and their natural waste products as well.

Go Greek!
If it weren’t for my fraternity, I’d have quit this hole last semester and gone to central or somewhere bigger, in a town that actually appreciates its college students.  There are about 40 of us in my fraternity, although some individuals are graduating at Christmas break.  In fact, I just wore my voice out yelling at our newly initiated brothers this past weekend.  What a blast that was.  For any of you who are reading this, other than my professor, first of all, I’m sorry, go to a real web page like some of the ones below, and secondly, join a fraternity or sorority.  You’ll have the time of your life and grow in ways you never thought possible and you’ll have the time of your life, and get something more out of college than a degree.  But that’s my soapbox for today.  On to bigger and better things.

Comments on World Politics
The following two headed sheep were seen wandering the windy steppes around Chernobyl.  Nuclear power gone wrong.  American sheep sure don’t look like that.  Thank god we build and design our own nuclear reactors, instead of buying them from the French.

Speaking of the Russians and the messes they make, lets talk about Afghanistan.  I guess my soapbox isn’t done after all.  Too bad for you.  So anyway, I’m glad that we seem to be doing well over there, and I hope too many of our special forces aren’t getting killed or wounded.  One of my fraternity brothers used to be a Special Forces commando, and is currently on 72 hour alert.  I sure as heck hope he doesn’t have to go over there.  But if he did, I bet he'd look something like this guy.

Bam!  Osama's personal battlewagon takes a .30 caliber burst right to the engine block.  Now we'll wait for the air force to come in and glass em’, and then the northern alliance can scrape his ashes off of the dashboard and throw them into a dark, smelly sewer.  Not that I agree with every little thing America does overseas, but if you attack us, especially like on September 11, your gonna die.  We’ve spent over one hundred years establishing that fact through numerous wars and conflicts, and if some Islamic fundamentalists feel the need to be reminded of that, well then so be it.  As a cute little politically correct note, I should say that Islam itself is probably not such a bad religion (except for the Koran sanctioning wife beating and all that), I just have a problem with violent anti-American Islamic fundamentalists.  Just like I don’t like religious right-wingers who bomb abortion clinics.

Drop me a line
After reading that tasteless, callous and violent past paragraph, you’ll probably want to email me and tell me what an insensitive and shortsighted shcmuck I am.  I’ll make it easy for you.


Hiking trip
This picture reminds me of my hiking trip at pictured rocks this summer.  We had to stop after one day though, one of my friends couldn’t make it and was really sick.  He had a ton of heart, but he’s 6'2" and weighs 135 lbs.  He just doesn’t have the frame to carry a fifty-pound bag for eight hours a day.  So after the first day, we camped on the trail, woke up and walked the second day back to the start of the trail.  We only hiked two das instead of four, but we still had fun.  Not to blow my own horn, but I’m in horrible physical shape.  One of my friends was a big time swimmer and was in very good shape, and I did better than he did on both days as far as general fatigue.  Know why?  It was all about good shoes.  If you ever want to do some serious hiking, get a pair of new balance hiking shoes.  They were worth every penny, especially since I got them as a present.

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