"Skate Park"
With constructing a stake park, there’s a lot of objects to include into one frame so horizontal was my best option. I was limited on how close I could get to my subject because of a “no trespassing” sign posted on the fence. I started the first frame with using the railing and sign as my first image and from there I went across the frame five more shots then started back at the sign and went down a row and across again the frame five more shots repeating the process. visually and physically map out the entire image to make sure everything is placed properly in the image. my concept for each image was just to take it row by row.
"In Remembrance"
"Field of Dreams"
This baseball scene was constructed in
my hometown of Coloma Michigan where I used to play all of my high school home
games at. Near the pitcher’s mound, I place my baseball glove near the rubber
and a pair of my cleats and a bat at home plate to add character. When looking at the large image I noticed my
baselines aren’t lined up properly but I feel that this adds mystery because if
the lines aren’t straight then what the picture actually is doesn’t seem so apparent.
The visual elements and compositions that are best for this image are all the
baseballs on the infield and the objects at home plate that are creating an
illusion. overall this large image reminds me of all the hard long
practices I’ve spent on this field and also all the friends and memories I’ve made
on this field.
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