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     Fel Halfdark is an elven hero tailored for the Forgotten Realms campaign setting.


Fel Halfdark, Female elf (Moon/Drow) wizard 17 (Chosen of Eiliastree): CR 20; Medium-sized humaniod; HD 17d4+51; AL NG' Height 5'0"
Languages known: Common, all elven tongues, draconic, Rashmeni, Sylvan
      Fel Halfdark started life as Felicity Miresh-Karan, the daughter of a noble Moon Elf wizard and a Drow warrior. She was raised in the deep woods around the world, her family eventually settling into a quiet life in one of isolated woodlands of the east -- a woodland that was right on a usual route used by Thay to invade Rashemen.
      After losing her parents to an illness that almost robbed her of her voice, the young wizard settled into a life in that forest. She had spent some years prior to the death of her parents doing some adventuring, but it never really stuck. That changed when an army marched down the road near her cottage -- an army headed in the direction opposite the one she was used to. This so intrigued her that she showed herself and ended up joining that army in their quest. It was a fateful decision, as it was with this army that she met her future husband, Adric, and it was with this army that Felicty became a hero.
      With several companions, a half-elven Harper in the lead, Felicty entered Thay on a dangerous mission, a mission to prevent Szass Tam from summoning a greater demon and absorbing its power. Felicity, her new friends, and an additional ally prevented the evil lich from carrying out his plan, earning his undying emnity for themselves and their progeny. With thanks and praise from the Simbul herself, the tiny band retired into quiet lives. Felicty married a necromancer named Adric Morcen, and soon they had their first child, Zephyr. The pair had three more children together -- a son, Kirill, and a twin daughter and son, Alina and Faedren.
      When the twins were still rather young, Adric was approached by the Simbul with a request, one he found he could not deny. Saying good-bye to his wife and three of his four children -- by this time, Zephyr had begun an adventuring career in Cormyr -- he left on one last mission for the Simbul...and never came home. Felicity was almost beside herself with grief, and after a year of waiting and unsuccessful scrying for her lost love, she moved her family to the High Forest, where she settled and began to take on students. In the High Forest, Felicity changed her name to Fel Halfdark after learning from her daughter that the names of her former adventuring group were rather well-known in some circles. She also began to take on students and train them in the Art -- magic. Several of her students, along with some of her children, went on to found the Silver Tears, an adventuring group based out of Dockview, near Waterdeep.
      After he last of her children had gone, Fel Halfdark moved to Ardeep Forest, where she continued to train apprentices and participated in rites to Eiliastree, her patron goddess. Later, a request reached her there, from the Dalelands -- an old contact of hers had sung her praises to a leader in Deepingdale, and so she had been asked to come be the town's high wizard. With the gathering war in Cormanthor and the Dalelands between surface dwellers and the drow, Felicity felt she could hardly refuse. She sent a messenger northward with a message for her elder son, Kirill, and then departed for Deepingdale, unsure of what she would face there.
      One last great adventure for Felicity Miresh-Karan -- Fel Halfdark.



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