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     Kirill Darkblood is a ranger tailored to the Forgotten Realms campaign setting.


Kirill Darkblood, male half-elf (Moon/Drow) ranger 10: CR 10; Medium-sized humanoid; Str 16 Dex 18 Con 15 Int 15 Wis 18 Cha 15; AL NG; Height 5'11"
      Born Kirill Morcen in the woodlands of the east, Kirill Darkblood might have ended up a wizard like his parents and sisters had providence not taken his father from their family. With his mother's relocation of the family to the High Forest, Kirill felt the stirrings of his elven blood, drawing him to nature. His mother's fast friendship with wood elf Saevel Moonset sealed young Kirill's fate -- a handful of days in the woods with his mother's new friend solidified Kirill's resolve to serve and defend nature. Within a few weeks, he was training under the soft-spoken Saevel as a ranger. As his reverence for nature grew, Kirill abandoned Eiliastree, his former patron, in favor of Mielikki, although he is still known to offer prayers and service to his former faith.
      After years of living in the High Forest, Kirill, his siblings Alina and Faedren, and several others, including two of his mother's apprentices, Amaya Silverblood and Jastara, a drow, struck out on their own as adventurers. They were the founding members of the adventuring company known as the Silver Tears. During the early years of his adventuring career, Kirill and his brother, Faedren, a bard, were approached in Silverymoon by the most remarkable of individuals -- Lady Alustriel herself. It was she who recruited them into the Harpers at a young age. Kirill left the Silver Tears in 1367, two years after its founding, taking assignments from his Harper superiors more frequently. Those assignments tend to keep him in the northern reaches of the Savage Frontier and Silver Marches.
      "Darkblood," the surname Kirill took when he left his mother's home in the High Forest, comes from his drow blood, which manifests itself in his eyes (which are almost copper in color), his hair (which is the color of silvered steel, despite his youth), and his skin tone, which gains a hint of an ashy color during the winter months. It is not very well known that this ranger of the north has living family -- most do not associate him with Faedren or Alina Darktwin, despite the resembelance between the trio.



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