Cassidy "Beck" Beckett

Player's note:  Cassidy is my first attempt at playing a Vampire: The Masquerade character.  She's not doing all that badly -- yet.  Never mind the fact that there's been a blood hunt called on her and her sire in Grand Rapids because he sired her without permission.  Never mind that her sire (Andrew) had to sire her because if he didn't, she'd be murdered because she found something that she wasn't supposed to find.  Never mind that another clan had been eyeing her for a while, but a 4TH gen Ventrue sired her.  Yeah...vampire society is just wonderful, isn't it?
NOTE:  This game has been scrapped.

Name: Cassidy "Beck" Beckett Nature: <SECRET> Generation: 5TH
Player: Erin Klitzke Demeanor: Judge Sire: Andrew Forsythe
Chronicle: Essence of the Night Clan: Caitiff (from Ventrue) Concept: Pretender

Strength                               Charisma Perception         Careful
Dexterity                              Manipulation Intelligence   Book Knowledge
Stamina         Resolute Appearance Wits             Change of Plans

Alertness Animal Ken Academics
Athletics Crafts Computer
Brawl Drive Finance
Dodge Etiquette Investigation
Empathy Firearms Law
Expression Melee Linguistics
Intimidation Performance Medicine
Leadership Security Occult
Streetwise Stealth Politics
Subterfuge Survival Science

Allies Fortitude Conscience
Contacts Celerity
Elder Generation Animalism
Herd Auspex
Mentor Dominate Self-Control
Resources Obfuscate
Allies - Cousin Thomas Cade (Regional VP, major corp.  / Uncle Matthew Reid (Grand Rapids City Council)  /  Contacts - Head of GVSU History Department, Head of GVSU Anthropology Department Potence
Protean Courage

Eat Food (1-pt Merit) Bruised
Blush of Health (2-pt Merit)      Hurt -1 
Oracular Ability (3-pt Merit) Injured -1 
Enchanting Voice (2-pt Merit) Wounded -2 
Enemy (4-pt Flaw) Mauled -2 
Shy (1-pt Flaw) - Eliminated Crippled -5 
Calm Heart (3-pt Merit) Incapacitated
Eidetic Memory (2-pt Merit)


What's the scoop in the World of Darkness?
Dateline - Los Angeles
Well, we've got a house.  It's huge and shaped like a cross, nestled within LA's Barony of Angels, but it's home.  The original duo of vampires has become a quartet, and the solo act has become a team with the addition of Kara and Brie (played by Erin #3 [Crystal, Jeanelle, Sylvie, et al.] and Diane [Bailey, Misha, Natalya, et al. and the gamemaster behind Sayoko]) as the two younger childer of Andrew Forsythe and the addition of a new bodyguard, a were-tiger named Victor (who was apparently a hacker buddy of Kara's before her Embrace...).  So now our little coterie's home.  
We went hunting at a frat party at USC and now there's going to be trouble...Brie accidentally killed two people (No one knows that yet doesn't know that yet, but when certain people find out....).  Beck needs to go hunting again because she played "designated driver" at the frat party and only snagged a couple of people during the night -- total of four blood points, not bad, but certainly not great for someone of her generation.

