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     Look at the candles...see how they glow? A simple wave of the hand, and out they go. But you're not interested in the simple little tricks, are you? Oh, very well. Take a look at Doc's spellbooks.

Spells for Dungeons and Dragons
Attune Object
  Sorceror/Wizard 6  
  Components: V, S  
  Casting Time: 10 minutes  
  Range: Special, see description  
  Target: Special, see description  
  Duration: 1 hour per caster level + spellcasting modifier  
  Saving Throw: None  
  Spell Resistance: No  
  Spell Description:
    This spell attunes an object to the feel/sight/physical form of a particular individual. Depending on the wording of the spell, the proximity alert varies -- the object may become warmer or colder, or may glow brighter or any number of such things, depending on the whim of the casting mage, but the more intense the manifestation of the effect, the closer to the individual sought the object is. The subject to which the object is attuned must be knonw to the caster. A magically created image of the individual targeted will appear someplace on/in the object, usually a hidden area, if there is one (ie, inside a locket, on the underside of a ring or pendant, etc). This spell can be misdirected by polymorph and similar spells and does not work on creatures with the ability to polymorph or shapeshift.
  Spell Notes:
    This spell was created in the Forgotten Realms setting by the mage known as Fel Halfdark -- Felicity Miresh-Karan Morcen, a half-drow wizard and Chosen of Eiliastree.
Sedai's Slipstep
  Sorceror/Wizard 8  
  Components: V, S, M  
  Casting Time: 2 rounds  
  Range: Touch  
  Target: Creature touched and up to five others  
  Duration: Instantaneous  
  Saving Throw: None  
  Spell Resistance: No  
  Spell Description:
    This spell was developed for the purpose of traveling between worlds known to the caster. On a d% roll of 1-75, the spell deposits the caster and party to the desired world. On a d% roll of 76-95, the spell deposits the party on another world known to the caster. On a d% roll of 96-100, the spell deposits the party on a world that is one of the many mirrors of the world desired by the caster. This spell requires a focus, which is not used up in the casting of the spell.
  Material Component: Opal of about 6 inches in diameter, preferably blue  
  Spell Notes:
    This spell was created by Judean Sedai, a planeswalking Fatespinner from a Krynn where 5th Age never came to pass.



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