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     Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the world of kings and castles, turmoil and peace, home to noble leaders and the fight for the dying Balance.

World Vital Statistics

Name ~ Invaria
Major continents ~ Invaria, Aradoc, Halfan, and Relix
Length of Day ~ 24 hours
Length of Month ~ 28 Days
Length of Year ~ 336 Days
Sentient Inhabitants ~ Humans, Elves, Gnomes, Dragons, Angels, Daemoni, Drow (elves), Troglodytes, Merfolk, Dwarves
Satellites ~ Selena and Apollux
Magic System ~ Homegrown order/chaos system, Gypsy Magic (standard D&D system)
Pantheon ~ The Balance, The Lost Pantheon
Campaigns of Invaria
      The Balance War (Winter 2001-Fall 2001)
      Invaria: War of Ages (Fall 2002-Winter 2003 - never completed)
      Invaria: Unification


      The world of Invaria has a rich and complex history. An isolated world in a galaxy where two galactic guardian races -- called the angels and the demons -- vie for control, Invaria has escaped much of the turmoil of that conflict, which has torn apart entire star systems.
      It has been conjectured that the original inhabitants of Invaria arrived there from other planes, like they did from so many planets. The very earliest transients to take up residence on Invaria were the deities of their pantheon, now all but lost to history. This group seemed to be seeking a haven against the fading of magic taking place elsewhere in the multiverse. Here, the gods found the respite they sought.
      After the gods came the other races -- the humans, the elves in all their varieties, a race of tiny gnomes from the original world of the gods, dragons, merfolk, troglodytes, a small number of dwarves, and many other minor races. Each race settled on the world and developed their own customs and cultures, sometimes similiar to the ones on other worlds, othertimes greatly different. Each group worshiped the deities in their own ways, and for a time the gods walked fearless among them, often cloaked in avatars, but were known on sight.
      Then came the first Fall. The Mirasel convoy, carrying members of the royal houses of both the angels and the demons, was forced to land on Invaria and were unable to leave again. With these refugees came the religion of the Balance and the magic that came along with it. It was with this happenstance that sparked a war in the galaxy between the demons and the angels over their shared border, a war that would one day bring more unfortunate beings to Invaria. The members of the convoy, however, became a new race, the Daemoni, and settled in the Caprian Islands off the coast of Aradoc. Their magic and religion spread across the world. Gradually, the Balance came to replace the gods, and the magic of the Balance became the norm while the magic of old began to fade away. It would be millennia before it was discovered once again.
      Time passed, and between continents, there was peace -- some trade occurred, but mostly the continents of Invaria were isolated from each other. Then, wars began to break out on the continent of Invaria, wars between those who followed Chaos -- the Whites -- and those that revered Order -- the Blacks. The balance there was further upset by the second Fall, when the angel ship Andes crashed, her survivors creating a settlement at Spire, in the Arcas Mountains of northern Invaria. Wars raged on. On Aradoc, wars have long raged, but now the dark elves of Aradoc have begun to strive to create order among the peoples there. It is a time of upheaval and change on the world of Invaria.
      Welcome to the world.


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