Jamie SelbyJamieSelby

Hello everybody.  My name is Jamie Selby and I am 19 years old.  I was born and raised in Flint, Michigan and that is where I still consider home to be.  I was raised by both of my biological parents, Ron and Kim.  I have an older sister, Sarah, who is a senior at Kettering University.

Jamie Selby

I graduated fourth in my class from Kearsley High School.  Everyone in my immediate family and almost everyone in my extended family went to the same high school I did, including those who married in, so it meant a lot of me to be able to do the same.  In high school I was a cheerleader for a few years and I was involved with the Dance Team for seven years.

           I am a very passionate person and make decisions in life towards whatever will bring the most happiness.  Even though I have a lot of ties to Flint, I wanted to get out and start my own path.  It wouldn’t have made me happy to stay there for school.  That’s why I turned down a four-year full ride to the University of Michigan-Flint and chose to come to Grand Valley State University.

Me at the beach

Thinking financially for myself, it was a crazy choice but I am so happy here that I would never change my decision if given the chance to.  I am a Marketing Major and plan to work with advertising and public relations.  My dream job would be to draft   commercials for a big company.

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