Video Games

I first got into video games when I was about six. I got my first system, a Sega Genisis, and the first Sonic the Hedgehog game. From that time on I was absolutely hooked on what video games gave. They provided a way into a world that is purely of the imagination. I couldn't get enough of them and started picking up every possible gaming system I thought I might like. Currently I own a Sega Genesis, a Game Boy Color, a Playstation One, a Playstation Two, a Playstation Three, and a Nintendo DS. With all of these different systems different games come with them and I have a few absolute favorites that I would like to share.

Sonic The Hedgehog

I really think that this video game was one of the best ones ever created. It came out in competition to Mario on the Nintendo, which I still think Sonic is the better. Nothing can compare to a lightning fast, blue hedgehog racing through different worlds collecting golden rings; not even a plumber from New York saving a princess who always get captured. I still play these games even though the system is so old because I still have a place in my heart for it.

Final Fantasy

This is one of the most well known game franchises in the world. The original game was made to try and save the company from going bankrupt and it did more than just that. The game was a huge success and Squaresoft chose to continue with it. Today, there are now about 14 or 15 Final Fantasy games as well as a movie. My personal favorites are Final Fantasy 7, 8, 10, 10-2, and 12. The characters are memorable and many side stories have been created for Final Fantasy 7, claimed to be the best of the series. I would suggest to anyone to give these games a chance because they are really good.

Tomb Raider

This game by far for me is a timeless one. It is pretty much a female version of Indiana Jones. She searches through tombs and catecombs looking for treasures that were lost to time. Sometimes she takes them and other times she seeks to destroy them because in the wrong hands they could destroy the world. It is a game that really seems to tote the power of a strong woman which I personally love. In some ways, I'm kind of embarrassed to say, this game gave me more confidence in myself. It's kind of nutty but it's true!

Kingdom Hearts

Probably the greatest game collaberation in history, Kingdom Hearts mixes Final Fantasy characters with the characters and worlds of Disney. In a way this game combines the best of two very well known worlds. The characters in the games are well developed and the storyline is quite indepth. The characters travel through some of the most well known Disney worlds such as Aladdin, Peter Pan, Lion King, and Alice in Wonderland. The worlds follow the same storylines of the actually stories with some embellishments for the sake of the game's plot. It is one of the best games ever created in my book.


This franchise is yet another huge one that has developed many series of games for portable gaming systems. It has been around for many years and has evolved greater from its start of only 250 monsters to collect. There are about 12 games out there right now and there are probably many more still to come. It really is a good game for how cheesy it is in some instances. The best ones I think are the 1st and 2nd generation because anything after that the games go down hill, at least to me.