

Sometimes I'm a little bit different than other bunnies with my body language, so I'll leave you a link here to take you to a general list of behavior.
I'll put my own personal list here:
  • "Binkying" This happens when I get really happy or excited. I hop around real fast and twist my head and behind back and forth in opposite directions midair. It looks like I'm spazzing out!
  • Chewing on clothing: Sometimes when I'm sitting with my mom, I like to chew on her clothes, especially sweatshirts! This usually means I'm bored. 
  • Love bites: This is when I bite softly, accompanied by little licks. This is a sign of love. Basically it means I am trying to groom you, the bites are the equivalent of me trying to pull knots out of your fur.
  • Yawning: I yawn when I am sleepy, just like you!
  • Chin rubbing: My scent glands are located on my chin. I rub my chin on things to claim them as mine. It usually means "I'm going to eat this later."
  • Nose bumping/Head butting: For me, when I nose bump something such as your leg or a toy, it means that it is in my way and I want it to move out of my way.
  • Kicking/Scrathing: I tend to do this when someone picks me up. I don't like to be handled very much.
  • Thumping: I do this when I am frightened. My back legs are very strong and I will give a few extremely loud thumps on the floor.
  • Running/Hopping very quickly: I am faster than you think! I love to run around as fast as I can when I have a big area to play in. It's so much fun!
  • Circling around feet: This is a sign of affection. However, I only do it when someone is scooping food out of the container to put in my food dish!
  • Leaping: This is a sign of curiosity. I leap up onto my mom's bed to see what's going on up there. Usually I'm wondering why she is just lying there in the morning and not getting up to feed me!
  • Throwing things: This means I am trying to 'houseclean.' I through my food dish around when I feel like everything is just too messy for me. Or I just want it out of my way or my space.
-Rorschach throwing his toy
  • Flattening of the head: I do this sometimes when I am a little bit frightened. Other times, I just do it when I am sleepy.
-Rorschach in the car
  • Sitting, eyes partially closed: I'm sleeping! Rabbits sometimes like to sleep with their eyes open.
  • Standing on hind legs: I do this a lot when my mom has food to share, especially bananas. Other times I do it because I am curious.
-Rorschach standing on his hind legs
  • Sitting up: I am trying to decide what to do next. I must keep to my bunny schedule.
-Rorschach sitting
  • Lying on my stomach with legs stretched out: I'm happy!
-Rorschach lying down
  • Lying on my side with legs stretched out: I'm very relaxed.
 -Rorschach lying on his side