Fighters of Verdite

The Verdish style is built on the mixture of fierce stoicism and unmatched brutality. The mixtures of these two concepts on their own are contradictory. The illusion of immobility mixed with sudden bursts of speed is what the Antioch realm is built upon. Their strength is bestowed on they by kelm the god of war, who's word is law in the land of verdite.

Verditians, except for lord amias who is the only one dressed in white

The verdish dress in all black and their signature weapon is the kelv blade.

Artalies showing a warrior the power of the kelv blade
Antioch fighting in battle togetherWarriors from foreground to background
Artalies, Sarudon, Vonas, Fason

The Verdish ArmyThe Amorias LegionANTIOCHkinda the thing we are trying to do