Was ist Typisch Deutsch?
What is typical German?

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The Germans are a very proud, hardworking people whose ideas and innovations consistently prove to be that of world leaders in technology along with anything else that they make a goal. Currently, Germany sits as the European economic leader and most financially secure nation among the Eurozone. But just how is Germany so successful? The answer can be found in German culture. Who is the typical German?

Punctuality, or Punktlich in German. Germans live their lives around the clock. To be on time for most Germans is to be around fifteen minutes early. To be late or spaet is a embarrassing mark on the offenders personal character.

Germans emphasize hardwork. While in the workplace they are solely focused on being as productive as possible and exhausting themselves.  They do not allow their personal lives to come to work with them and even have anti-cell phone rules in the workplace to prevent communicating with outside of the workplace.

Germans understand the importance of a lifelong education. It is no wonder that some of the greatest philosophers, scientists, writers and so forth of all time have been Germans. Germans take their studies very seriously and seek to attain as much knowledge as they can in their lifetime. They carry this knowledge with them into the workplace and create industry leading goods such as those in German auto manufacturing.

Germans do not attempt to "beat around the bush" when criticizing another's work. In fact, Germans view criticizing the work of others as being the only way to insure that a certain level of perfection. So if you are faced by what to a foreigner may seem like a less than courteous German, just remember that this is their way of being courteous and it would be frowned upon if they did not offer such criticism.

First encounters with Germans may likely seem cold and Teutonic. In fact, Germans are well known to be the most difficult people to befriend. However, once you have German friends, you have some of the best friends anyone could ask for, for a lifetime. Germans place deep value into true relationships, rather than choosing to have masses of friends like other cultures.

The typical political ideology of Germans in the eyes of Americans would be very liberal. Germans see great value in public works such as public transportation, something they have achieved with the Autobahn and Deutschebahn (German high speed rail system connecting even the smallest of towns to the rest of the country). As well as the concept that "the little guy" should always be protected and not trampled by the boots of upper society. They have many welfare programs in place to ensure that this never happens. They are also very environmentally friendly and have around 5 different types of recycling bins which they divide their waste into.

If you are interested in learning more about typical German I would recommend viewing videos from the following YouTube accounts or by asking me questions on Facebook:
Germany vs. USA (Cultural comparison between Germany and USA on YouTube)
Germany vs. USA, Jim and Alex, provide cultural insights comparing Germany and the USA from the persepctives of two college students, one German, and one American. Often gives some comical relief and is very entertaining.

Get Germanized! Learn German YouTube Channel
Get Germanized offers German language lessons from a Native German speaker while exposing the viewer to German culture. This YouTube production has more of an academic, learning feeling to it.

Author Alex Parkyn's Facebook Page Montage
Then of course, there's me! Alex, aka Deutsch-Ami (German American). I will be more than happy to answer any of your questions on German culture through my Facebook page.

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Deutsches Essen