More pics coming soon...  in chronological order
davidanddays.jpg (28401 bytes) My sister with her newly sported haircut and David - taken April 2003
days.jpg (16531 bytes) Daysee being goofy - taken April 2003
maysanddavid.jpg (27724 bytes) David and I... best friends.. for now at least.. hehe - taken April 2003
maysanddavid3.jpg (24854 bytes) David and I again.. and no, he's not that much taller than me - taken April 2003
maysanddays.jpg (18837 bytes) Days and I - taken April 2003
familyplusdavid.jpg (36807 bytes) David and his surrogate family (my family) as we're all getting ready for bed - taken April 2003
alexincredulous.jpg (22047 bytes) Alex giving me a weird look - taken July 2003
alexderrickmaysdavid.jpg (37764 bytes) From left to right: David, Derrick, me, and Alex at our weekly bonfire in my backyard - taken July 2003
alexfrappucino.jpg (35733 bytes) Alex satisfying her caffeine addiction with a Starbucks Frappuccino - taken July 2003
alexlaughing.jpg (53269 bytes) Alex wired from the caffeine - taken July 2003
alexmedavid.jpg (71554 bytes) Alex, me and David - taken July 2003
davidhuh.jpg (48588 bytes) David pretending to know what he's doing - taken July 2003
derrickandirockon.jpg (28657 bytes) Derrick and I proclaiming our rocker-ness - taken July 2003
derrickmealex2.jpg (53820 bytes) Alex, Derrick and I - taken July 2003
mecrestonsweater.jpg (21469 bytes) Me at 2 a.m. - taken July 2003
davidterritory.jpg (45717 bytes) David marking his territory - taken July 2003
derrickbunnyears.jpg (49417 bytes) Derrick intent on watching a movie - taken July 2003
alextongue.jpg (31184 bytes) Alex being a dork - taken July 2003
mechillin.jpg (23975 bytes) Me - taken July 2003
3fav.jpg (47000 bytes) Derrick and Alex feigning terror - taken July 2003
4fav.jpg (34952 bytes) Derrick and Alex once again - taken July 2003
derrickdavidmetv2.jpg (61329 bytes) Derrick, David, and I watching a movie - taken July 2003
mereclining.jpg (28358 bytes) Me looking stupid - taken July 2003
alexderrickfirsthug.jpg (50055 bytes) Alex' and Derrick's first hug - taken July 2003
derrickandihats2.jpg (29695 bytes) Me, and Derrick trying to be a thug - taken July 2003
mehairflying.jpg (39927 bytes) Me - taken July 2003
famchicksatbk.jpg (64841 bytes) My sister, mom and a sleep-deprived version of me at Burger King.  I love my sister.. hehe.. - taken August 2003
davidderrickmechillin.jpg (105224 bytes) From left to right:  David, Derrick, me, and Alex' friend Sonia at Craig's Cruisers, a go-karting/arcade/mini-golf place for Alex' 19th b-day and Derrick's "going away party" for univ.  - taken August 2003
alexsquirtingderrick.jpg (96720 bytes) From left to right:  David and Alex squirting Derrick in boat bumpers.  - taken August 2003
megolfing.jpg (78459 bytes) David watching me pretend that I know how to golf with Derrick figuring out the physics of the game.  - taken August 2003
alexteeing.jpg (55478 bytes) Alex teeing off.  - taken August 2003
sephouse.jpg (92683 bytes) My little group of friends taking a break from the mini-golf sequence.  - taken August 2003
sepship.jpg (86525 bytes) Taking another break.. goodbye summer..  - taken August 2003




2000 - 2002 2003