Economics Club of Grand Valley
Grand Rapids is Growing
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York plays a leadership role in monetary policy, financial supervision and the payments system.
Nathan Biller, President

Chelsea Childs, Vice President

Steve Stinchcombe, VP Treasurer

Susie Rivard, VP Secretary

General Members:

Steven Baldus
Stephanie Bale
Heidi Becklin
Amanda Boers
Justin Dieleman
Nicole Dissette
Orlando Estrada
Koichi Fukuda
Katherine Griffes
Dustin Hopkins
Krista Houghton
James Jang
Dustin Keena
David Kleyn
Young Kwak
Ray La Vigne
Holly Lucchesi
Benjamin Mason
Matt Mazurek
Mike Meyers
Pete Mondejar
Sean Neely
Matt Oster
Nick Polk
Matt Richter
Cristal, Rodriguez Pescador
Ehren Schuttringer
Stacey Seaman
Angela Szura
Cristina Teijeiro
Matt Vance
Andrew Vangarderen
Endrit Yzeiraj

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