The Four Levels Of The Rainforest

The Emergent Layer gets its name because it is the highest point of the rainforest. Most of the trees at this level reach 150-200 feet tall. These trees must withstand burning sun, strong winds, and rain showers of up to 400 inches per year.
The Canopy is formed by the large
trees growing close together. Together 
they form a roof over the rainforest.
The Understory extends form the forest floor up to about 80 feet. It contains a mix of saplings, tall shrubs and palms. Very little sunlight reaches 
the understory making it dark and humid. The understory is also home to many monkeys,
flowers and birds.
The Forest Floor only gets 1-2% of the 
total rainforest sunlight. Millions of bugs 
and animals rome the forest floor. 

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