Circle K is a community service organization affiliated with Kiwanis International. There are Circle K clubs at universities across the country and across the world.
What is Circle K?
Circle K is a co-educational service, leadership development, and friendship organization, organized and sponsored by a Kiwanis club. Circle K International (CKI) is the world's largest student-run organization of its kind, with over 11,000 members in 500 clubs in 12 countries. The Michigan District of Circle K consists of 356 members at 9 clubs.
Developing college and university students into responsible citizens and leaders with a lifelong commitment to serving the children of the world.
I pledge to uphold the Objects of Circle K International, to foster compassion and goodwill toward others through service and leadership, to develop my abilities and the abilities of all people, and to dedicate myself to the realization of mankind's potential.
Service Mission
Above all else, Circle K International is a service organization whose members are dedicated to improving their schools and communities. Virtually any unanswered need is a potential opportunity for Circle K commitment and dedication.
What Does Circle K Do?
Circle K focuses on three aspects:
1. Service: CK'ers perform service projects around their campus and community. Project events can include Big Brother/Big Sister, Food Drives, highway clean up, etc.
2. Leadership Development: Circle K also strives to develop strong leadership skills for its members through active participation in the organization. Circle K'ers can assume leadership responsibilities at all levels of the organization and through various experiential training conferences.
3. Fellowship: Circle K'ers have fun during events and always welcome new faces. Through the many activities of the club, Circle K'ers are constantly developing social skills, meeting new people, and having fun.
Intresting In Joining?
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