My Friends


These are the people I hang out with on a daily basis:

Nat Picture

Nat Saunders

I've known him since we were roommates freshman year. We weren't last year and are again this year. Going to college to be a history teacher.

John Denis

I've known him since freshman year. We became roommates this year. Plays a lot of video games and is majoring in natural resource management.

Oak Picture

Oaksana Frey

I've known her since freshman year. We were neighbors and would bang on the wall back and forth to talk. She is majoring in physical therapy.

Britt Picture

Brittany Lorenz

I've known her since freshman year, met her through Oaksana. She is dating John (roommate) and is majoring in physical therapy.

PS If you see her on campus call her mousy, it makes her feel bad.

Laura Picture

Laura Hancock

I've known her since freshman year. We were neighbors and I learned really quickly to stay on her good side because she can be evil. She is majoring in business management or accounting.


