Sarah and Brian's Wedding Page

Wedding Date: May 20, 2006

Bride's Parents: Bob & Carol Hammond

Groom's Parents: Brenda Peebles & Rod Peebles

Here's Brian and I at my cousin Angie's wedding in July 2004.

Brian Sarah

Here's Bri and I at Niagra Falls, where we went for our ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY!



Check out my RING!!



I've purchased my dress, but of course I won't post any photos of it!




The Wedding Party

Maid of Honor: Lindsay Egan (friend of bride)

Best Man: Dan Peebles (brother of groom)

Ring Bearer: Barry Peebles (nephew of groom)

Flower Girls: Susie & Gwen Mack (friends of the bride and groom)

Matron of Honor: Amanda Peebles (sister-in-law of groom)

Bridesmaids: Kat Szydlo (friend of bride)

Liz McKee (friend of bride)

The ceremony will take place at First Evangelical Covenant Church

The reception will be at theBest Western Midway Hotel

We are registered at

Bed Bath & Beyond


Pampered Chef

You can also visit our other wedding website Sarah and Brian's Wedding Page

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