Performance Task
Day 1 – Finding Shapes in
the School
Day 2 – Finding Shapes in
the World
Day 3 and 4 – Desiging a “Shape Space”
Unit: Shapes
Grade Level: 2nd grade
Performance Task Assessment Clear Purpose: This summative assessment will be used at
the end of the 2nd grade shapes unit. Students have investigated and explored all the
learning targets prior to this assessment. The Performance Task will give them
the chance to demonstrate their knowledge of shapes. This assessment will be used by the teacher
to evaluate each students understanding of the learning targets and be used as
part of the report card grade. Students
will be given written feedback by the teacher and parents will be able to
review their child’s work and final grade and discuss the results during
G.SR.02.05 Classify familiar plane and solid objects,
e.g., square, rectangle, rhombus, cube, pyramid, prism, cone, cylinder, and
sphere, by common attributes such as shape, size, color, roundness or number of
corners and explain which attributes are being used for classification
G.GS.02.02 Explore and predict the results of putting
together and taking apart two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes.
S.DS.02.04 plan and deliver
presentations using an informational organizational pattern (e.g., descriptive,
cause/effect, compare/contrast) providing supportive facts and details to make
their point, reflecting the source of information, while maintaining
appropriate intonation and tone of voice using a prop.
Clear Targets
Targets |
1. I can draw triangles,
rectangles, squares, circles, semi-circles, spheres and rectangular prisms. |
2. I can make
groups of shapes that are all the same shape, size, or color. |
3. I can make
new shapes by putting shapes together and taking shapes apart |
Directions (Read Aloud)
out scrap paper to each student) We have been learning all about shapes these
past few weeks including the names of shapes and the parts of a shape. We have already taken a few tests to see what
we knew and what we needed to work harder on.
Think back to everything you have learned about shapes. I want you to now write down on your paper
one thing you have learned about shapes.
Feel free to use a drawing if it will help you explain. (Give students about 3 minutes to write down
something. Have a few students share
with the whole class then give everyone a few minutes to share with a partner.)
are just about finished with our shapes unit and it is time for you to show me
everything that you have learned throughout the unit. I will now ask you to take everything you
know about shapes and apply it to the world around you through three
activities. In the first activity,
“Shapes in School”, you will be identifying different shapes that you see
everyday at school. In the second
activity, “Shapes in the World” you will be identifying shapes somewhere
outside of school. In the third
activity, “Shape Space” you will be identifying shapes in your everyday life
and creating your own “Shape Space”, which I will describe in just a few
minutes. Right now, I want to read a
story to you about shapes. While I am
reading, I want you to pay very close attention to the pictures in the book.
“The Shape of Things” by Dayle Ann Dodds or any other book that has illustrations of shapes
found in everyday life.) Ask the following questions and give time for
responses: What did you notice about the pictures in the story? Can you name some of the shapes you saw in
the book? What everyday objects did you
see that were made of the shapes we know?
will later be making your own “Shape Space” illustration similar to the
pictures in the story using only the
shapes that we have learned about:
rectangles, squares, circles, semi-circles, rhombus and trapezoid. Your drawings for each shape must be labeled and
accurate. For example, if you label
something in your illustration a square, it must have 4 equal sides and it must
have 4 equal angles. Since our
illustration will be flat, we will not be using the 3D shapes that we learned
about in our final drawing. These three
activities will be your final test for the unit on shapes. They will be used as part of your grade and
your final project will be shown to your parents at conferences. This project is something that will be done
completely in school. You will be given
plenty of time in class and will not need to take it home for homework. You will also be given a chance to present
your finished “Shape Space” illustration.
You will be able to grade yourself on the project and after all parts
are complete, I will meet with you to discuss the grade you gave yourself and
the grade I gave you.
I will now hand out a packet that contains all of
the parts of our final test on shapes.
(Pass out packets) Write your
name on the cover and look at the checklist.
The checklist shows you exactly what we will do on which day and gives
you a spot to check off things that are done.
Let’s begin the first task.
Name of Shapes Expert___________________
Project Checklist
Shapes at School
I found 8
objects in the school that were made out of the shapes we learned about. |
I told the name
of the shape that each object was made out of. |
I told how I
knew the shape of each object. |
Shapes in the World
I brought in a
picture from home OR I found a picture in a book at school of a place in the
world. |
I found 3-4
objects in my photograph that were made out of the shapes we learned about. |
I created a
drawing of my photograph using only the shapes we learned about. |
My Shape Space
I made a
detailed drawing of a place of my choice. |
In my drawing I
used at least one of each of the shapes:
I labeled the
shapes on my drawing. |
I correctly
created my shapes and used a ruler or stencil when I needed to. |
I presented my
Shape Space to the class. |
DAY 1: Introduction (See
Above) and “Shapes in School”
TIME NEEDED: 60-90 minutes (including
Shapes Project Packet for each student.
Packet contains:
in School” Worksheet and rubric
in the World” Worksheet and rubric
Space” rubric
clipboard per student
pencil per student
Shape of Things” by Dayle Ann Dodds
or any other book that has illustrations of shapes found in everyday life
Directions and
After completing introduction (see above)
(Read Aloud)
We will now begin the “Shapes in School” activity. We will be going on a walking tour of the
inside of our school. While walking, you
will be locating different shapes that you can see. Open your packet to the “Shapes in School”
worksheet. While we walk around the
school, I want you to write down any object that you see that is made of a
shape we learned about. You will write
the name of the object in the column labeled “Object”. I also want you to write down the shape that
the object is made out of in the “What Shape is it?” column. You do not need to fill out the “How did you
know” column during our walking tour because I will give you time to do that
back in the classroom. However, be
thinking of what you will write there.
You must write how you know that object was that specific shape. For example, you might write “Lockers” in the
first column and then “Rectangle” in the middle column. Then you could describe how you knew this in
the last column by saying something like “Lockers have 2 long sides and 2 short
sides. All of the corners are equal.” I
expect you to find an object for each space of the first column (that’s 8
objects) so look very closely.
Here are the rules during the walking tour. We will all stay in a single file line the
entire time. Throughout the tour, we
will stop many times to give us writing time of the things we saw. You may only write when we stop. PLEASE do not write and walk at the same
time. We don’t want anyone running into
any walls! Also, there is absolutely NO
TALKING during our walking tour. Many
other classes are very busy and we don’t want to interrupt them with any noise.
(Hand out clipboards) Make sure you have your pencils, clipboards
and packets. We will now line up and
begin the tour.
Directions to teacher (not read aloud): During the
walking tour you may want to point to several objects (bricks, lockers, art,
tiles, etc.) if students are struggling.
If possible, take students to different locations other than just the
hallways such as the office, gym, lunch room or courtyard. When the class returns to
the room, give the students the rest of the period to fill in their “How did
you know?” column.
At the end of class tell students that for
tomorrow’s activity they are to bring in a photograph from home. Tell them to try to bring in one with
shapes. It could be inside or outside
and could have people or no people. It
could be really a picture of just about anything. Tell them it is their responsibility to
remember to bring in the picture. At the end of the day, give them a note to
remind them to bring the picture tomorrow.
Name of Shapes Expert___________________
Shapes in
School Worksheet
Write about the objects you found on our walking
tour of the school
Object |
What Shape is it? |
How did you know? |
Name of Shapes Expert___________________
Shapes in
School Rubric
5 (Terrific) |
3 (I have the
right idea) |
1 (I don’t
know…) |
I found 8 objects in
the school that were made out of the shapes we learned about. ü
I told the right name of the shape that each object was made
out of. ü
I told how I knew the shape of each object and used the
words corners and/or sides. |
I found 4-7 objects
in the school that were made out of the shapes we learned about. ü
I told the name of the shape that each object was made out
of, but one or more of mine names were not correct. ü
I told how I knew the shape of each object but in at least
one of my answers, I did not use the words corners or sides. |
I only found 0-3 objects in the school that
were made out of the shapes we learned about. ü
I did not give names for all of my objects or all of my
names were incorrect. ü
I did not use the words corners or sides in all of the last column. |
5 3 1
Circle one of the
above numbers to give yourself a score.
Please explain on the lines below why you gave yourself that score.
DAY 2: Personal Assessment
of “Shapes in School” and begin “Shapes in the World” activity
TIME NEEDED: 60 minutes
with photographs from around the world (such as encyclopedias and other informational
Directions and
(Read aloud) I hope you all remembered your
photographs today! Don’t worry if you
didn’t, I will have something you can use.
Before we get to our photographs, I want you to open your packets to
what we did yesterday, the “Shapes in School” worksheet. Today we will grade ourselves. Take a minute to reread what you wrote
yesterday. (Give a few minutes for
reading time)
Turn the page to the “Shapes in
School” rubric. Listen carefully as I
read the rubric. (Read rubric out
loud). I now want you to choose which
grade you think you deserve and circle the number. If you want to give yourself a 4 or a 2
because you feel like you are in between the levels you may write in the
number. I want you to write to me a
sentence or two about why you gave yourself the grade that you did.
We are now ready to begin the
“Shapes in the World” activity. This
activity is going to help us get ready for tomorrow’s activity. Everyone get your photographs out. If you did not bring a photograph, you may
quickly find a picture in one of the books I have laid out.
Today we are going to first identify the
shapes we see in our picture, much like we identified shapes around our
school. Open up your packets to the
“Shapes in the World” worksheet. At the
top of the worksheet you will see a table that looks very similar to
yesterday’s table we completed. I want
you to fill out this table in the exact same way we did yesterday, using
objects in your picture. Try to find at least 3-4 objects in the picture that
are made of the shapes we discussed. The
objects do not have to be perfect. For
example, if I had a picture of a Christmas tree in my picture, I would write
that down as a triangle even though it is not a perfect triangle.
When you
have completed the table, I want you to use the space below the table to create
a drawing of your photograph. In your
drawing, you may use ONLY triangles, rectangles, squares, circles,
semi-circles, rhombus and trapezoids. You must use at least three different
shapes. I want you to include as many
details in the drawing as you possible can.
You can include almost everything using the shapes in different sizes. For example, you might create the leaves on
trees by drawing a lot of tiny little triangles, or you might include the grass
by drawing tiny rectangles. Keep in mind
that you can put shapes together to create shapes. For example, you could draw shapes with many
sides by just putting a bunch of triangles together (Show example on board).
I would like you to add color to your drawing, but
it is more important that your drawing is very detailed, so if you do not have
time to color, that is okay. Take your
time! You will have the rest of math class to complete this.
Name of Shapes Expert___________________
Shapes in
the World Worksheet
Use your photographs to find shapes in the
Object |
What Shape is it? |
How did you know? |
Draw your photograph in this box using
ONLY shapes |
Name of Shapes Expert___________________
Shapes in
the World Rubric
5 (Terrific) |
3 (I have the
right idea) |
1 (I don’t
know…) |
I found 3-4 objects in
my photo were made out of the shapes we learned about. ü
I told the right name of the shape that each object was made
out of. ü
I told how I knew the shape of each object and used the
words corners and/or sides. ü
I created a very detailed drawing using at least three
different shapes. |
I found 1-2 objects in my photo were made out of the shapes
we learned about. ü
I told the name of the shape that each object was made out
of, but one or more of mine names were not correct. ü
I told how I knew the shape of each object but in at least
one of my answers, I did not use the words corners or sides. ü
I created a drawing using shapes. I did not use very much detail and did not
use at least three different shapes. |
I did not find any objects in my photo that were made out of
the shapes we learned about. ü
I did not create a drawing. ü
I created a drawing but I did not use only the shapes we
learned about. ü
I created a drawing but it was not detailed and only used
one type of shape. |
5 3 1
Circle one of the
above numbers to give yourself a score.
Please explain on the lines below why you gave yourself that score.
DAY 3 and 4: Personal
Assessment of “Shapes in the World” and begin “Shape Space” activity
TIME NEEDED: 2 days, 60 minutes 1st
day and at least 20 minutes 2nd day
paper for each student for rough draft
construction paper for each student for final draft
Directions and
(Read aloud) We are almost ready for the last part
of our test on our shapes unit. I want
you to open your packets to what we did yesterday, the “Shapes in the World”
worksheet. Today we will grade
ourselves. Take a minute to reread what
you wrote yesterday. (Give a few minutes
for reading time)
Turn the page to the “Shapes in the
World” rubric. Listen carefully as I
read the rubric. (Read rubric out
loud). I now want you to choose which
grade you think you deserve and circle the number. If you want to give yourself a 4 or a 2
because you feel like you are in between the levels you may write in the
number. I want you to write to me a
sentence or two about why you gave yourself the grade that you did.
We are now going to create our Shape Space. You will create a drawing of a real or
imaginary place that you would like to visit using ONLY the shapes we have
learned about (triangles, rectangles, squares, circles, semi-circles, rhombus
and trapezoids). You MUST use at least
one of each of the shapes in your drawings.
Use your checklist on the cover of your packet to make sure you included
each shape.
creative! It could be a fun place that you know of such as Disney World or your
Grandma’s house. It could be a place you
have never been to such as the North Pole, the bottom of the ocean or
Mars. It could be a completely made up
place such as a fairytale castle or a cartoon land. If you would like, you may flip through the
classroom books for ideas. Once you have
chosen a space that you would like to visit, I want you to use the blank piece
of paper that I have passed out to create a rough sketch. The sketch should take no more than 10
minutes to complete. Do not put too much
detail in it because it is just a rough draft for the final drawing. While making your sketch, you do not have to
use only shapes, but keep in mind that your final drawing will use ONLY
When your sketch is complete, check
it with me. I may ask you questions
about what shapes you are going to use.
When I give you the OK, you may pick up a white piece of construction
paper from the front table to begin your final copy of your Shape Space.
Remember that in your final copy ALL
of your shapes must be labeled. If you
have groups of tiny shapes together you only need to name the shape once
(example: grass made of tiny rectangles – only label once). Also, your shapes must be correctly
labeled. For example, if you say that
something is a square, it must have four equal sides and four equal angles. I have provided rulers and stencils of
different sized circles. Please use a
pencil to start your drawing. When your drawing is complete, you will color
your drawing keeping in mind that the labels you wrote MUST be readable. Remember – be creative and take your time
with lots of detail. You will have the
rest of the class to work on this and also some time tomorrow. Good Luck!
to teacher: Tell students when 10
minutes has passed so they know they must be finished with their sketches and
moving on to their final drawings.
day of Shape Space Activity (Day 4)
will continue working on their Shape Spaces.
Remind them that you expect a high level of detail. Give students 40 minutes to finish their
drawings (give more time if needed – just be sure to leave enough time for the
rubrics) . Students that finish early should work on
shape centers that they have used throughout the unit such as pattern block
building and pattern block sorts. Early
finishers MUST check their final drawings with you before moving onto
centers. Check that they have used
enough detail and have included labels.
Aloud) Great job on your drawings boys
and girls! Now we will have a chance to
grade ourselves. Open your packets to
the “Shape Space” rubric. While I read
the rubric, look at your completed drawing to see if you met all of the
requirements. (Read rubric out
loud). I now want you to choose which
grade you think you deserve and circle the number. If you want to give yourself a 4 or a 2
because you feel like you are in between the levels you may write in the
number. I want you to write to me a
sentence or two about why you gave yourself the grade that you did.
we will finish up our shapes unit by presenting our Shape Spaces to the class.
of Shapes Expert___________________
Shape Space
5 (Terrific) |
3 (I have the
right idea) |
1 (I don’t
know…) |
I used all 7 of the
shapes in my drawing ü
I correctly labeled all of the shapes in my drawing ü
I correctly created each shape carefully using a ruler or stencil
when I needed to |
I only used 4-6 of the 7 shapes in my drawing ü
I labeled all of my shapes, but some of the labels are not
correct ü
Not all of my shapes were made correctly. There were some that I should have used a
ruler on but I didn’t. |
I only used 0-3 of the 7 shapes in my drawing ü
I did not label all of my shapes in my drawing ü
All of my labels are incorrect ü
I did not use a ruler or a stencil at all when creating my
drawing |
5 3 1
Circle one of the
above numbers to give yourself a score.
Please explain on the lines below why you gave yourself that score.
TIME NEEDED: 20 minutes
Shape Space Drawings
Directions and
Aloud) Today we will be presenting our
final Shape Space drawings to the class. In your presentation, you must include
two things.
must tell us about the location of your space.
must tell us about 3 different shapes that you used and point out how you used
them in your drawing.
presentation is part of your grade so do your best! Use your best speaking voice by talking
clearly and loudly! I know we will all remember to be good listeners while
others are presenting. Please remember
to raise your hand if you have a question and to be respectful of others around
you. Let’s begin!
to teacher: Give each child a minute or two to present. Point out extra creative ways that students
use the shapes in their drawings.
will now grade ourselves on our presentations.
Please return to your seats and open your packets to the “Presentation”
rubric. While I read the rubric, look at
your completed drawing to see if you met all of the requirements. (Read rubric out loud). I now want you to choose which grade you
think you deserve and circle the number. If you want to give yourself a 4 or a 2
because you feel like you are in between the levels you may write in the
number. I want you to write to me a
sentence or two about why you gave yourself the grade that you did.
your packet to the last page called “Think Back”. You will look back at all 4 of your rubrics
and decide what you think your final grade should be on this project. Remember to include a couple of sentences to
tell me why you think you deserve that score.
When you have completed the “Think Back” page turn your entire packet
into the finished work tray along with your completed Shape Space drawing.
will be meeting with each of you next week to talk about your scores. Thank you for all of your hard work! You did a terrific job!
of Shapes Expert___________________
5 (Terrific) |
3 (I have the
right idea) |
1 (I don’t
know…) |
I told the class
about the place I chose to draw in my Shape Space illustration. ü
I explained how I used 3 different shapes in my drawing. ü
I used my good speaking voice by talking clearly and loudly. |
I only explained how I used 2 different shapes in my
drawing. ü
I tried to use my good speaking voice, but I could have been
clearer or louder. |
I did not explain to the class about my place I chose to
draw. ü
I only explained one of the shapes I drew ü
I did not use my good speaking voice. |
5 3 1
Circle one of the
above numbers to give yourself a score.
Please explain on the lines below why you gave yourself that score.
Name of Shapes
back at all of the scores you gave yourself on the rubrics:
do you think your final score should be? _______
explain why you think this is the score you earned on this project: