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    Skypoint as a scenario focuses less on the place and more on the people that become known as the Skypoint Organization, or simply as ex-personnel of the station.  Several of the survivors of the Skypoint Disaster go on to create the organization, out of sheer necessity of survival.  Others move on to perfectly normal lives...although the hows and whys of such things remain to be discovered by their former colleagues.


Hunter Drake
Owen Finian
Jack Furyk
Jacob Ricdeau
Dimitri Slackov
Chelsea Talbeck
Johnathon Wakefield
Royce Winters
Karen Yamazaki



Hunter Drake

Full Name: Hunter Sage Drake

    Hunter Drake was born on Earth to a mid-level Marine Corps officer and her husband, a scientist.  An only child, she was raised on the outskirts of the city of Chicago.  She entered college at the age of 17 and joined her university's US Marine Corps ROTC program.  After earning her bachelor's degrees in biochemistry and microbiology at the age of 21, Drake made the decision to take an active tour of duty with the US Marine Corps.  Her assignment: counterintelligence.  Drake rose to the rank of captain before her honorable discharge at the age of 24.  Since her discharge, she has been working at Skypoint as one of the station's resident researchers.
    Drake's discharge from the Marine Corps was for medical reasons.  Injuries sustained in an accident during the line of duty almost ended her life.  Since her discharge and transfer to Skypoint, her case has been handled by Jacob S. Ricdeau.
    Drake has no known living family.  Her parents died while she was in college and her fiancée, David Jordan, was presumed killed in a shuttle crash when Drake was 22.
During her time at Skypoint, Drake has earned both her MS in Biochemistry and Microbiology, but a Ph.D in Biochemistry.  She is one of the station's chief researchers and longtime friend of security chief Karen Yamazaka.
    According to US records, Hunter Drake is deceased.

Age: 29
Gender: Female
Hair: Red-brown
Eyes: Gray-blue
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 136 lbs

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Royce Winters

Full Name: Royce Alexander Winters

    Royce Alexander Winters is a young officer with British Intelligence who has been working deep undercover for quite some time as part of an operation to infiltrate terrorist groups.  He has infiltrated a global eco-terrorist organization designated "GP" by officials and has been keeping tabs on them for quite some time.
    Winters was born to a life of privilege, son of a wealthy knighted lawyer and his wife, an investment banker.  He studied at university for a time before joining the ranks of British Intelligence, and has since put his native talent for reading people to good use in their service.
    Royce has been deep cover for the past three years.

Age: 29
Gender: Male
Hair: Dark Blond
Eyes: Gray-blue
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 154 lbs

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Johnathon Wakefield

Full Name: Johnathon Tobias Wakefield

    John Wakefield was born the oldest son of Tobias "Toby" Wakefield and Beth Henebry, a New York City police officer and a paramedic.  He was one of six children in the Irish family and helped his busy parents raise his younger siblings.  Due to high scores in his high school classes, he was offered a scholarship to CUNY, but he turned it down, wanting to get away from the city.  Instead, with the blessing of his parents, he joined the Marine Corps as an enlisted man, intending to earn enough money so he could attend school later.
    While in basic, John met Karen Yamazaki, someone with whom he would remain in contact with for years to come.  He spent some time as a guard at Annapolis before he was reassigned.  He bounced from assignment to assignment before requesting assignment to Skypoint research station, where he remained for years.  He never offered an explanation for his request.
    Wakefield was presumed lost when Skypoint was abandoned due to contamination. 

Age: 26
Gender: Male
Hair: Red
Eyes: Green
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 198 lbs

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