Song of the Fire Eyes (incomplete)

Lo, for in the dark days coming at the ending
There shall be a woman with eyes of fire
The power to see what cannot be seen
And the power to save a nation and a world.

And lo she shall be born of starlight and the mountains
The child of the plains and the trees in the forest
The daughter of ways lost and ways found
She shall be the Fire Eyes of whom I sing.

In her time and in her day,
The Fire Eyes shall beat down the dark ones
And reunite them with the light.
For that is the power she holds in the very palm of her small hand.

The night was dark and gray, with storms raging, the night of her new birth,
The daughter of great warriors.
Lo, she grew knowing only war
Learning the arts of combat and the ways of her peoples at the knees of masters and kings.

And lo!
She sees the price of war dear, at a tender age
The loss strikes deep, near the heart,
But not without hope.

As the storm clouds again gather above the Western Seas
Having returned hope to the world,
The Fire Eyes waits at the shore, watching and waiting.
For in her hands is the fate of the world.

She is the daughter of the earth and the sky
Of heathens and soldiers
Of chieftains and kings
The first of many to come.

Lo, the ways of old return with her,
Riding on the edge of her cloak back to the light.
She shall know it not in the beginning,
But at the end she shall be the master.

Guarded by the earth and sky,
By people new and old,
By the seeing and the unseen,
She saves the world.

In this time it shall come to pass
That old rifts meld
And old wounds heal.
The time is the end and the beginning.

The world will cry and the world will sing
A time of death shall begin and end
Where once there was nothing
Shall become everything.


* the word "save" can be alternatively translated at "change" or "destroy."

