- The Balance War
- The Fire-Ice Brigade
- Turnings of the Wheel: The Second Age
- Rebirth of the Valiant Lancers
- Invaria: War of Ages
- Skypoint BioTech (online)
- Unsung Heroes
Non-player Characters

Player Characters
- Kristie Good's characters
- Erin Klitzke's characters
- Andrew Nickels' characters

- Dungeons and Dragons
- Palladium
- Vampire: The Masquerade
- The Q Files
- Comics and Artwork
- Twin Destinies (Mike Adams)
- Palladium Games
- Robotech
- Wizards of the Coast
       - Dungeons and Dragons
            - DragonLance (3rd)
            - DragonLance - Never (art)
       - Star Wars
- D20 Systems
       - Spycraft
- White Wolf

Invaria lost its pantheon in the days after the first coming of the demons and angels.  What most don't know is that the gods they worshiped in those bygone days never really left their world.  There are echoes of the old ways all around, with monoliths and temples to the old gods to be found almost everywhere.  Little does the world know that the gods have always been among them...

The pantheon of Invaria is loosely based on Celtic lore and the legends of the British Isles.


Myth and Folklore

Epic Poems and Tales
    - Song of the Fire Eyes
    - Ballad of the Silver Falcon

    There are stories told by many men and women throughout the world that are based in the adventures of the great heroes and the gods and goddesses of yesteryear.  In some places, a bard is not respected unless they can spin you a tale of the times before the coming of angels and demons, before the old ways faded from memory.
    Many of the tales are epic poems, the meanings of which are long lost, as lost as the society from which they arose.  Some are even considered prophecy by some sects, who continue to follow the old ways despite the changes in society.


The Lost Pantheon

The Lost Pantheon
    - Gods and Goddesses
    - Clerical Spheres
    - Specific powers

    The old gods and goddesses of Invaria were by and large forgotten by the world after the first coming of the angels and demons.  However, there were some people among the masses that never forgot, the roving gypsies among them.  The gypsies are a culture and race unto their own, encompassing most races on the face of the planet.  These are the people who know the old magic, and follow the old ways of Invaria.  They know the old gods by face and by name, have run with them, spoken with them, and believe in them to this very day.