Geographical Location
"Geographical location of Uzbekistan"
Uzbekistan is a sovereign democratic country located in Central Asia. The total area of country is 447,400 square kilometers, which is a little more than State California. The country is bordered with 5 different Central Asian Republics: Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Kyrgyzstan and Afghanistan. Uzbekistan consists of 12 regions and 1 autonomic Republic of Karakalpakstan. The largest and capital city is Tashkent. According to recent data, the population of this country is more than 31 million people.
Historically The Republic of Uzbekistan was formed in 1924 as the part of the USSR (Country was called Uzb SSR). The independence declaration of the Republic of Uzbekistan was approved on 31 August,1991 and 1 September was fixed as the Independence Day.

Uzbekistan is located in subtropical climate zone, therefore the climate is hot (sometimes up to 105 °F) during Summer and cool (down to -25 °F) during Winter. There two main languages people use: Uzbek and Russian. In some Southern areas like Samarkand, Bukhara, Qashqadarya and Surkhandarya people also speak in Tajik language. The majority of the population have chosen Islam as their religion. More than 130 different ethnic groups of people currently reside in Uzbekistan.

"Part of the Silk Road crossed the Countries main and ancient cities such as Samarkand, Tashkent and Bukhara"

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