
This site is about my life and my writing. These are all of the things that affect my life. Polymyositis. Words. Music. Monet. I guess looking at this site would reveal a lot about me.

Daily Short Blog: I Procrastinate

don't think If I had to pick the one flaw in myself that I hate the most it would be my propensity to procrastinate. I try to tell myself that the reason I'm up at 4 a.m. trying to write the paper I knew about four weeks ago is because I work best under pressure. I suppose that is true in some ways, some of my best stuff comes out when I'm scrambling to meet a deadline. But deep down I know it's because I've been doing anything else I could think of for the past four weeks instead of just sitting down and writing my paper. I don't know the science behind it but I think procrastination may be genetic. I've inherited my procrastination, along with my large eyes, from my father, which completely relives me of any culpability for even procrastinating about my graduation. I'm going to be graduating in two weeks. And I still have no idea what I'm going to do. Thanks, Dad.


A New Treatment for Polymyositis?

If you're one of the 'special' ones like me your polymyositis has resisted all of the usual medications to treat it. When my doctor told me about the new trials taking place testing the efficacy of Rituxan in treating polymyositis I was really excited. Any improvement would be welcome. I didn't qualify for the trial going on in my area. But my doctor has prescribed Rituxan for me and I had my first dose a month ago.Here's a little information about some of the results of other trials.

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Polymyositis and the Gluten Connection

My polymyositis has been treated using the traditional methods for nine years. One of my doctors combines both traditional treatments and natural treatments to treat polymyositis. One of the things he talked to me about recently was becoming gluten-free. He has another patient with polymyositis who has made some improvements by going gluten-free. So I haven't actually gone gluten-free yet (I'm dreading my next appointment) but I looked up some information on it. Sources vary as to the beefits of going gluten-free for polymyositis.

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Wise Words

"Beauty of style and harmony and grace and good rhythm depends on simplicity."

- Plato

Support Styleshout

If you are interested in supporting Erwin Aligam's work and would like to contribute, you are welcome to make a small donation through the donate link on his website - it will be a great help and will surely be appreciated.

Featured Writing

The Yellow House

the yellow house The drive is the same; flat fields, sometimes white from the snow, right now a tired brown, glistening from frost that hasn't melted yet in the sparse sunlight. It takes about fifteen minutes to drive into town from our farm. I pass the time by looking out of the window. The flat empty fields are moving past at exactly forty mph, the speed limit along Old Mill Road. My father never speeds, steering the car with care. Concentrating. The ride is silent. My mother is staring straight ahead. I can only see the side of her face. I can't tell what she's thinking.

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Reaction to Suicide Attempts Indicative of Emotional Sterility in Sibling

Their parents had said they'd stop arguing. But the relative peace had lasted about as long as it had taken Ava and Jonathan and their parents to drive home from the hospital. Jonathan couldn't climb stairs. Their mother didn't want to move from the spare bedroom on the first floor; there were too many people upstairs. Ava wasn't like her father. He'd cared too much and she stopped caring at all.

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Unfit Matches

They hadn't told me in so many words that I hadn't been planned for but I could tell. It was in the way they looked at me when I did some unexplained thing or other. They would look at each other and shake their heads softly from side to side, both wondering how they had gotten this child that neither of them understood.

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