Detroit Red Wings

Home 2011-2012 Playoffs Photo Gallery History

The roots of the Red Wings go all the way back to the old Western Hockey League, where the Victoria (British Columbia) Cougars were members until their roster was sold to a group from Detroit on September 25, 1926. The Detroit Red Wings have been an NHL franchise since May 15, 1926.


Sid Abel 1969
Duke Keats 1958
Jack Adams 1959 Red Kelly 1969
Al Arbour 1996 Brian Kilrea 2003
Marty Barry 1965 Igor Larionov 2008
Andy Bathgate 1978 Herbie Lewis 1989
Leo Boivin 1986 Ted Lindsay 1966
Scotty Bowman 1991 Harry Lumley 1980
John Bucyk 1981 Budd Lynch 1985
Dino Ciccarelli 2010 Frank Mahovlich 1981
Paul Coffey 2004 Bruce Martyn 1991
Charlie Conacher 1961 Larry Murphy 2004
Roy Conacher 1998 Reg Noble 1962
Alex Connell 1958 Bruce A. Norris 1969
Alex Delvecchio 1977 James Norris 1958
Jim Devellano 2010 James D. Norris 1962
Marcel Dionne 1992 Brad Park 1988
Bernie Federko 2002 Bud Poile 1990
Viacheslav Fetisov 2001 Marcel Pronovost 1978
Frank Foyston 1958 Bill Quackenbush 1976
Frank Frederickson 1958 Luc Robitaille 2009
Bill Gadsby 1970 Borje Salming 1996
Ed Giacomin 1987 Terry Sawchuk 1971
Ebbie Goodfellow 1963 Earl Seibert 1964
Glenn Hall 1975 Darryl Sittler 1989
Doug Harvey 1973 Jack Stewart 1964
George Hay 1958 Cecil “Tiny” Thompson 1959
Hap Holmes 1972 Norm Ullman 1982
Gordie Howe 1972 Carl Voss 1974
Mark Howe 2011 Jack Walker 1960
Syd Howe 1965 Harry Watson 1994
Brett Hull 2009 Cooney Weiland 1971
Michael Ilitch 2003 Steve Yzerman 2009
Tommy Ivan 1974  A. Ziegler Jr. 1987
