Warfare 3

Company of

News:April, 2013
Comapany of Heroes 2 closed beta released April 2, 2013!

Welcome to my personal gaming website. In this website, you will find strategies to games, as well as screenshots and video. There is also a detailed description of the gaming hardware and systems that I use for playing these and other games. Feel free to contact me on any of my online accounts and add me as a friend. Enjoy your stay.

Places on the Web:
Steam: WolfEyes (Loki'd)
Xfire: WolfEyes
Origin: WolfEyes1993
PSN: Stryker189
Twitter: @LAgamer1993
LiveStream: Lauren Rohde
Youtube: NoobsOfTerror

Recent Screenshots

Company of Heroes:
Panzer Elite Victory. Multiple infantry units with Panther support (out of view) in an American player's base.

Company of Heroes:
Wehrmacht Victory. This game got off to a very bad start. My Panzer Elite partner did not go for his side, which left me to face a British and American by myself. Luckily, the Blitzkrieg Doctrine helped, and we were able to hold the fuel points long enough to get tank support.

Company of Heroes:
British Victory. Rather easy British game. The Panzer Elite player made the mistake of not blocking any bridges, and was easily overrun in the center by Bren Carriers.

Company of Heroes:
American Victory. We were able to block their bridge to the center before they could build it, which left the middle open for us. They left shortly after the game started.


Bad Company 2
