The Rainforest
   Rainforests occur in tropical regions such as Asia, Africa, Central and South America. Rainforests fall between both sides of the equator between the Tropic of Capricorn and the Tropic of Cancer. These forests are know there massive trees and there amount of rainfall. The rainforest is also home to 15,000 different animal and plant species, and is home to over a million humans.
    The trees are the first thing one notices when entering the rainforest. They can reach hights up to 200 feet tall!! Trees in the rainforest must be tall in order to reach the sunlight. Because of there incredible height this layer of trees is known as the Emergent Layer . These trees together also form the Canopy Layer which is also know as the roof of the rainforest because it blocks most of the sunlight. The Understory  is the third layer of the rainforest. Its plants reach a height of 80 feet because the sunlight is blocked by the canopy. The understory is home to many monkeys and birds. The final layer is the Forest Floor which is home to many Bugs and Animals.
     The rainforest is also known for its large amounts of rainfall. Rain falls at a between a rate of 100-400 inches per year!!! The days and nights of the rainforest are equal in length and the average temperature is 80 degrees.
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