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Our Report Card

In Fiscal Year 2004, Goodwill Industries of Greater Grand Rapids found jobs for 1,590 individuals with disabilities or other significant barriers to employment. These jobs were associated with over 450 different community employers who found Goodwill graduates to be quality workers. These partnerships have been forged to mutually promote employment and advancement opportunities for the individuals we serve.

Some other highlights from 2004:

  • We served 3,968 people needing assistance in learning work skills, finding suitable jobs and maintaining gainful employment.
  • Our participants helped to collect and process over 12,000 tons of goods donated by the public. Goodwill is one of the largest recyclers of used goods in the country.
  • The average starting wage for those hired between 10/1/03 and 9/30/04 was $7.52/hour with a maximum wage of $47.42/hour.
  • 93% of individuals reported satisfaction with their employment at their 90-day verification.