- The Balance War
- The Fire-Ice Brigade
- Turnings of the Wheel: The Second Age
- Rebirth of the Valiant Lancers
- Invaria: War of Ages
- Skypoint BioTech (online)
- Unsung Heroes
Non-player Characters

Player Characters
- Kristie Good's characters
- Erin Klitzke's characters
- Andrew Nickels' characters

- Dungeons and Dragons
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- Vampire: The Masquerade
- The Q Files
- Comics and Artwork
- Twin Destinies (Mike Adams)
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            - DragonLance (3rd)
            - DragonLance - Never (art)
       - Star Wars
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       - Spycraft
- White Wolf

The elves...the original grays of Invaria and guardians of the forests of Nylan.

    The elves of Invaria didn't always live within the forests of Nylan.  Once, they ranged across the lands as nomad clans, sometimes mixing freely with humans, sometimes coming into conflict with them.  After the change of the world by the angels and demons, strange things began to happen in elven society.  Children would inexplicably leave their homes and families and wander toward the forests of Nylan, returning sometimes years later profoundly changed by their experience.  The journey became a rite of passage for the elves, and thus the Trials were born. 
Elven Clans and
leading families
    - Songblade
    - Tarsonis
    - Jistani (by Wren)
    - Shire
    - Daevan
Impere (lost)
    - Travell
    - Marion
    - Bladesong
    - Katran
    - Tintagel
    - Justinian
    - Dravis
    - Yarel
    - Vincens
    - Aquaes
    - Maris
    - Dentre
    - Carline
    - Cardalyi
    - Jistani
    - Ostia
    - Merlin
    - Nimua
    - Rydin
    The elves began to settle in the woodlands of Nylan several generations after the angels and demons left Invaria.  The Songblade family from the Rivers Clan of elves became the leading family of the elves, and when the elven kingdom became more firmly established, the patriarch of the Songblade family at the time, Quartel, became ruler of Nylan.
    With the formal establishment of an elven nation came the formalization of the journey most young elves take to a region of the forests of Nylan where all become gray.  The journey became known as the Trials and is now viewed as the final step from childhood to adulthood in elven society.
    In more recent years, the elves have fought to free the nation of Myst from White aggression and force the White Armies back into Portus and Nanu.  They were among the first to recognize the angels' claim to the peaks of the Arcas Mountains and welcomed to their capital as a liaison the magic engineer Justen, architect of Spire.  The royal family of Nylan, the Songblade family, produced one of the greatest leaders of the age -- the legendary Silver Falcon, Sean Jistani, nephew of Nylan's current king, Caravel Songblade.

Social Structure, Observations, and Notes
   The elves of Invaria pride themselves on individuality, but also on the bonds of blood and clan.  Any elf must answer for their actions first to their personal code of honor and ethics, second to the elders of their family, third to the elders of their clan, and ultimately to their leaders and rulers.
    There are fourteen known elven clans, although one, Impere, disappeared almost three generations ago and none from the clan have been heard from since.  Each clan is lead by the patriarch or matriarch of the leading family of the clan.  That leading family and sometimes one other are considered noble and sit on the Council of Elders, the advisory body to the royal family.  Traditionally, the patriarch or matriarch of the Songblade family has always been an Earth Mage, thus has the ruler of Nylan ever been an Earth Mage with little exception
    Also within elven society are found many guilds and societies.  Most require an elf to have passed their Trials in order to become a member.  Notable societies include the Order of the Silver Sword, the Highlanders, and the Ladyhawks.  Notable guilds include the Fraternal Order of Bladesmiths, the Quilter's Circle, and Adriana's Web (a weavers guild).
    The major rite of passage in elven society is known as the Trials, when a young elf enters an area of the forests of Nylan known in the elven tongue as locus sine lumen, or the Place Without Light.  If the elf survives whatever ordeal they suffer within the region and cross out again, they emerge gray (ie, the chaos in their bodies is now locked in order) and have gained the near-agelessness that is a trademark of their people.  As with all gray individuals, their aging slows to a crawl.  Most elves who fail their Trials voluntarily remove themselves from elven society, which bears them no malice or ill will, just sadness.
    The current leader of the elves is Caravel Songblade, son of Ralaven Songblade of the Rivers clan and Mirella Jistani of the Lucis clan.  Aalander, the Crown Prince, has lately disappeared inexplicably while riding on dragon-back -- his mount returned not remembering much of the trip.  Aalander's son by Misha Hawklight, the Dragonslayer, Devin Songblade (who has been raised as Devin Jistani), is the next in line for the crown, despite Aalander's reservations about a half-elf ascending to Nylan's throne.  The current king is an aberration in the family line -- he is a Storm Wizard rather than an Earth Mage.  However, Aalander was an engineer-smith and Misha Hawklight was an Earth Mage, and now the young Devin Songblade (Jistani) shows the same promise of his uncle, Sean, who was one of the most powerful Earth Mages in history.

Notable Elves and half-elves

Game Mechanics
    As elves from the Player's Handbook, with the following exceptions:
        - Invarian elves are in no way xenophobic as a race.  They mix freely with the other races of Invaria.
        - Religion is the Balance, tending toward order.  All elves embrace the Balance when they become Grey, which is seen as the living embodiment of the Balance
        - Elven Lands: Whereas once the elves were a nomadic race, they now reside in many grand cities within the forests of Nylan.  However, many elves are found wandering the world for various reasons and there are notable populations in Myst and other nations.
        - Bonus languages: Temple, gnomish, dwarven, draconic, and regional dialects.
        - Names: Elves are named by their parents at birth and retain that name throughout their lives.  They are further identified by their family name and their clan.  Only the leading families of the clans are listed in this document.