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The heart of the fight for the balance is the continent of Invaria, which is host to various nations and peoples, including the Elves of Nylan and the Angels of Spire, the Black Armies, and the White Armies.

General Overview

    The continent of Invaria is the largest of the continents on the world, but is not the most populous.  Indeed, its population, reduced by war and famine in recent years, pales in comparison to the populaces of Relix and Halfan.
    Invaria does have, however, one of the most diverse populations on world.  The continent is home to a vast array of peoples and cultures.
    Invaria is home to seven nations, each unique in its own way.

    Nylan is, quite possibly, the oldest of the Invarian nations.  It has been the stronghold of the elves for millennia.  It is a heavily forested region inhabited, by and large, by the elves, with small human enclaves.  Dragons and gnomes, in notable numbers, also reside in Nylan.
    Nylan is a monarchy, ruled since the beginning by the Songblade family of clan Rivers.  With little exception, the king or queen of the elves has always possessed the powers of an Earth Mage.
    Nylan's major cities include its capital of Myrdinn and the port of Siret.

Trinvale is a republic ruled by an executive and a legislature.  It is quite possibly the largest of Invarian nations and maintained a neutral stance during the Liberation War that wrested control of Myst away from the White Armies.  During the Balance War, Trinvale found itself on the side of the Blacks when forces of Portus invaded from the south.
    A contested point between Trinvale and its neighbor, Portus, is the ownership of an island, Teardrop, which is home to various monasteries and a minor port.  Both nations lay claim to it, but no one knows who holds it at any given time.  There is no armed conflict over the island -- the monks will not allow it -- but there is a major diplomatic war over the ownership of the island.
    Trinvale's population is dominated by humans, but there is a notable minority of elves in the nation.

Portus is the seat of power for the White adherents on Invaria.  The nation is where most of the White Armies are trained and stationed.  The White City of Zim is the capital of Portus and the home to the White Council, which makes most of the decisions for the White nations and armies.
    Portus has an extensive system of highways built by slave labor.  The population is almost entirely human, with most of the non-humans found in Portus being slaves or prisoners -- or both.

Nanu is the other nation considered to be White.  Its population is mostly human with a notable minority of elves along its eastern border with Nylan.

Caelum is the breadbasket nation of Invaria, producing many farm goods.  It took a very long time for the nation to recover from the horrors of the Liberation War.  It was spared, for the most part, large amounts of suffering during the Balance War.  Today, its economy has all but recovered from the horrors of the past and most of the plains nation is producing grains and other farm goods again.  The capital of Caelum is Selena, and the population is human dominated with notable minorities of other races.

Litus is a neutral trading nation that deals more with overseas nations than the nations it shares a continent with.  The nation is by and large isolationist when it comes to the nations of Invaria, due to events of the Liberation War and minor skirmishes beforehand.  Its capital is Danfous.

Myst is, undoubtedly, the youngest of Invarian nations.  Won away from the White Armies within the past elven generation by Sean Jistani, Myst has since become an enclave for the followers of order.  It is home to a thriving population of humans and elves.  Speculation places dwarven warrens in the Arcas Mountains, and common knowledge places the Angel stronghold of Spire among the range's peaks.
    Spire is nominally independent from the normal government of Myst, which is a monarchy under the half-elven King Sean Jistani.  Spire is lead by the Marshal, currently Mynrei, and while usually bending to the will of the king, has the option of remaining neutral in affairs.


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