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Our Shows


SOAPs, or Student One Act Plays, is a compilation of student-written plays consisting of only one act. The show consists of a range of three to six one act plays, varying in genre from dramas to comedies. As always with STAGE, SOAPs are written, directed, produced, and performed by students. Our SOAPs production occurs during GVSU's fall semester, and STAGE members and audiences alike always enjoy this classic performance; it's always a good time!



SPAM, or Student Plays and More, is STAGE's annual variety show. Like SOAPs, all acts are student-written and performed in, but in SPAM the acts are not limited to scripted plays. Any act, including a play, short story, comedy routine, singing or dancing number, storytelling, or random skit are welcomed in SPAM. This show is hosted by an emcee who always keeps the show rolling. SPAM is always good to get a laugh (or twenty), and it is performed during the winter semester.



Our Full-Length production also happens in the winter semester. Though this production consists of only one event and is thus generally limited to fewer cast and crew members, our Full-Length play showcases some serious talent and love for theatre. We have performed dramas to comedies, with one to three acts, and always have had a successful turnout. Due to the size and length of the production, the Full-Length generally happens at the end of the semester.



STAGE @ GVSU © 2009 | Website Design by Kenny Spicer
All Rights Reserved | Please see our Privacy Page
All members are students of Grand Valley State University