Teaching Philosophy


The art of teaching and learning the subject of music provides a unique opportunity to explore personal, social and artistic growth for both student and teacher alike. The esthetic and emotional experiences through the art of creating music are a unique and indispensable part of a well rounded academic program as our young people learn about all aspects of themselves as well as the life, world and experiences of humankind.




Philosophical Rationale
This Resume includes information regarding my education, musical endeavors & other experience.   
This teaching philosophy originatesfrom a number of factors  &influences throughout my life.




Classroom management and organization are an important part of being a professional educator. I have included the following items in an attempt to represent how a music classroom might be run and organized while I was teaching. Click on each item to see a sample.





An objective and quantifiable grading sytem that reflects students' progress and achievement in musical understanding & performance
Rules to teach and learn by and why they were chosen
Sample page from a (sheet) music library. Keeping repertoire ogranized is essential for effective song choice and program planning


Technology in the Music Classroom

These activities are just a few made possible by the use of technology

such as power point and the Internet to make lessons more visually

appealing and personally interactive for students.




Lesson Plans and Unit Plans

I have included a sampling of several lesson plans and even two sample unit plans. My intention is to demonstrate the types of planning and activities that may take place in the choral classroom.

Lesson Plans:   Sample Unit Plans:  
Danza Danza (8th Grade SSA) "Do I hear a Melody” (4th Grade General Music)
Taps for the Fallen Brave (4th or 5th Grade Listening lesson) 9-week Jr. High General Music (outcomes & plan)
Sleep and Rest (1st or 2nd grade)    


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